Page 16 of My Mafia Captor

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Me: We need to talk about Ivar and why he was just in my office

I returned to my emails until I heard my phone ding. I picked it up.

Daniel: Everything is cool. Did you give him the money?

Me: It’s going to take time. A little heads-up would have been nice

Daniel: Sorry dude, last-minute deal

Me: It’s fine… what did you buy?

Daniel: Tell you in person

Great, that didn’t sound like a good thing. He knew we had secure phones, our father insisted on it, which meant it was a long story.

Me: When?

Daniel: Whenever I can get the time. Super busy

Me: Right. Like I’m not

Me: Your giant friend isn’t exactly patient

Daniel: I know, that’s why I sent him to you.

Daniel: You can get the money quicker than I can

Me: You are paying me back

Daniel: I know

Me: Do you? You still owe me for wrecking my Jaguar

Daniel: Relax, you have another one

Me: No, I bought another one. I only own one car at a time

Me: Unlike some people

Daniel: ??

Daniel: There is nothing wrong with owning more than one car

Daniel: You are too old fashioned

Me: Am not

Daniel: Are too

Me: Am not

Daniel: Are too times infinity

Me: What, are we twelve?

Daniel: Plus a few years, yeah

Daniel: Thanks for helping me bro, it means a lot
