Page 18 of My Mafia Captor

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“I certainly hope so,” I said and turned toward the stairs.

I led the way, and the others followed me.

Upstairs there was a hallway with so many doors I could hardly believe it. He really did have plenty of space. I opened the door to the right of the stairs, and it was an office as sterile as the rest of the house. It had a simple desk with a black leather computer chair, a bookcase full of books, and a wall of filing cabinets. It was very organized and neat. The one thing I spotted that differentiated the room from everything else was a picture on the desk in a small silver frame. I went in and picked it up.

It was of Jimmy, a bit younger Jimmy, holding a baby in a little suit. Jimmy was smiling down at the baby, who was sleeping in Jimmy’s arms. It was such a sweet picture, and I wondered if Jimmy had kids. I had never even thought to ask. Maybe he had a girlfriend. Was I going to have to deal with another woman coming and going as she pleased? Did he have a son who lived with him?

I put the picture down and kept my thoughts to myself. The others had spread out down the hallway, opening the other doors.

“Bedroom! Looks like a spare,” Kiwi called out from the room next to the one I was in.

“Empty!” Logan called from across the hall. He came out into the hallway. “Seriously, there’s absolutely nothing in it. How does someone have so much room that they have rooms they don’t even use?”

“Maybe he cleared them out for me?” I suggested. “He did mention he had space for me to do what I wanted with it. Maybe that’s what he was talking about.”

“This one is empty too,” Donte said from the room next to the one Logan had come out of.

“Another spare bedroom!” Kiwi called from the room at the end of the hall on the right.

I went to the end of the hall and turned left. When I opened the door, I could immediately tell it was the main bedroom. It was huge. So big that there was a couch and a table in it as well as a king-size bed. I had no idea how the couch got up those stairs, but I hope whoever moved it got a really good tip. The couch was black leather to match the one in the living room, and the sheets on the bed were all white. They looked really soft though, so I couldn’t say I was disappointed. There was a black dresser along the opposite wall and a black door to either side. The one on the right led to an en suite bathroom which had a soaking tub and a shower head installed in the wall. The entire area was tiled with blue and green pebbles from floor to ceiling. It made the whole room feel like a shower. There was a pedestal sink that filled from a spout in the wall that was partially hidden so that the knobs and spout blended in with the blue and green stones. It gave the illusion that the white sink filled on its own or from a hole in the wall.

“Oh. My. God,” Kiwi said from behind me. “This is the best part of this place. I want this bathroom!”

“I know right?” I said and headed out of it. “I can’t stay in there any longer. I’m going to want to soak in that tub!”

“You are going to have to plan a Bubble Bath Day. You know, get a good book, light some candles, play a little music and—”

“Have a nice soak, I know,” I interrupted her as the boys walked in. She elbowed me in the ribs. I knew what she was about to say, and I was not going to talk about masturbating in front of the guys.

The thought seriously crossed my mind, though. That bathtub was amazing. Talk about ambiance.

“Well, now that we have established that your husband has lots of money but no personality, can we bring your stuff in?” Logan asked, and I shot him a look.

“Where do you want us to put it all?” Donte asked, elbowing Logan.

“I’m thinking if we bring everything into the living room, I can organize it from there… I’m not really sure where I will be sleeping yet, so I don’t want to set my mind on one room and find out he is saving it for someone else or something,” I said, thinking about the picture on his desk. Maybe one of those other bedrooms was for the child? Or the child’s mother? Or both? I didn’t know. I figured I would talk to Jimmy about it when he came home.

We busied ourselves for the next few hours going back and forth to the van, then driving the van back to my father’s house to get another load of stuff. I had books I didn’t want to leave behind and, after seeing how much space there was, art stuff in the garage that I could actually take out and use.

On our way back with the second load, I stopped and got us all pizza and beer, which was the polite way of thanking the people who had helped you move, or so I had been told. Once we brought everything up and the van was again empty, we sat at the dining room table eating pizza and talking. I also texted Jimmy to let him know I was done moving.

Me: I’m all moved in, but wasn’t sure which bedroom you wanted me to take

Me: So everything is just kinda in the living room right now

Me: Do you have a preference?

A few minutes went by before I got a text back.

Jimmy: Why do you have men in my apartment???

I looked at the words on the screen, then looked up at Logan and Donte laughing with Kiwi. How did he even know? Then, I looked up at the ceiling and saw the little black bubbles in the corners. He was watching us.

I couldn’t figure out if I was pissed or just shocked that he would have a problem with them. I decided to call him and let his attitude decide mine. For all I knew, it was a teasing text, and I was just assuming the tone. I dialed his number and walked over into the living room, holding up a finger when Kiwi gave me a questioning look. He answered on the third ring.

“Not even fully moved in and you have men in my apartment. Is this something I should expect from you?” he asked with disdain dripping from his words.

Angry. I was going to choose to be angry.
