Page 46 of My Mafia Captor

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“You are vision,” he said and took out his phone, snapping a few pictures. Then he put the phone away. “If I were not busy, my tongue would be between your legs right now, making you nice and wet so I could stuff you with big cock.”

He touched his bulge again, but I looked away, staying quiet. He laughed and left, shutting the door behind him. I was happy for the quiet, needing to take a few deep breaths. Maybe my plan was backfiring. What if Ivar was just teasing me and only planning to have some fun before he killed me? Could I really trust a man who could do whatever he wanted?

Did I have much of a choice?

I could feel tears forming again, and I shut the thoughts down, focusing on the here and now. I needed a plan. I needed to focus on steps to a goal. The goal was freedom, and to get free, I first needed to undo the rope so I could have use of my hands and not be strapped to a bed.

I used my hands to feel the headboard design. One of the bars I was tied to was very close to a half loop of iron that ended in a very thin and sharp metal point. Yes. It would take a while, and I might cut up my arms a lot more than the rope, but at least it was a start and a possible way to step two, which was to find a way out of the building.

Slowly and carefully, I lifted my rope-covered arms up the pole to the spike and began to work.

Chapter 23


Myfatherwasinthe living room, pacing in front of the windows as he spoke quietly on the phone to one of his contacts at the police department. Seth was sitting across the dining room table from me, on the phone with a private investigator he knew, asking for advice. I was on my computer, trying to hack into my brother’s phone to find out where he was.

I wasn’t a computer genius by any means, but I did know a few tricks. Unfortunately, my brother knew the same tricks and had used them to protect himself, so things were not looking so good. If that didn’t work, I was going to call a friend at the DMV and see if they could find the car.

I didn’t care how many rules I had to break; I was going to find her.

So many worries rolled through my mind about where she could be and what Daniel was doing to her. I never thought he was capable of something like this. Taking my money, sure. He was greedy and narcissistic that way. In our own ways, we all were, even Patrick. But this went beyond anything I could have imagined.

He had kidnapped my wife.

It made me wonder why he had been at the Flagship to begin with. He couldn’t have known we were going to be there; it was a last-minute thing. Had he seen us leave the apartment? Had he been coming here to take her? Had he coaxed Caroline to cause the disruption so that I would be called away?

The last thought was impossible, and I knew it. I was just grasping at straws. Caroline’s incident had been random and unplanned. She told the cops that she had been sitting at home thinking about what had happened in my office and just sort of snapped when a dating app commercial appeared on the TV. Daniel couldn’t have had anything to do with that.

So why did he want Natalia? Did he think he could just take my wife and get away with it? What was he planning on doing with her? Lately, he had been distant and off, almost like he was doing drugs behind our backs but refused to admit it. He was manic then quiet. Maybe he wanted her for leverage over me? I would give him all my money for her safe return, but I doubted that was it either. He could just ask, and I would give him money. I was only slightly upset that he had kept the eight hundred thousand I had given him. It was the risk he had run of pissing off the Russian that was such an issue for me.

So, it wasn’t money he was after. It couldn’t be sex either because he certainly got more pussy than I did. Women were the reason why my brother didn’t have any money. He would go to a club, wave a wad of cash around, then take home whatever girls he could attract from doing so. He wasn’t lacking sexual partners.

He was lacking in theromanticpartner angle, though. Maybe he was jealous that Natalia and I were getting along so well, even though it had been a spur-of-the-moment arranged marriage? Maybe he thought he could make things work with her too?

So many questions ran through my mind as I typed away at the computer, listening to the one-sided phone conversations in the other room and across the table.

“...Yes I know it hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet, but we really need you to help. Wherever she is, she’s in danger,” my father said, then paused, listening to the reply on the other end. “No, her phone is off… I understand that, Lucas… No, I… Lucas, please, just work with me on this. She’s my daughter-in-law… Oh, don’t start that again. Do you want me to stop being such a generous donor?”

“Great!” Seth exclaimed, and I looked over at him. He gave me a thumbs-up. “You can do it? Fantastic! Thank you so much, man… I know… No, money is not an issue. Do what you need to do, and we will get it to you. That’s… Wait, what? No! I told younow, not two days from now. She could be dead by then! Forest, I mean it. It has to be… Well, forget it then, I’ll find another PI.”

I stopped listening after that and ran my hands through my hair for about the millionth time in the last hour. The thought of finding her dead had an icy grip on my heart. If she ended up dead because of me, I would never forgive myself.

I went back to working on trying to track Daniel’s phone when a strange email popped up. I saw that it had an attachment, but it came from a non-reply email address, which was strange. I almost ignored it, thinking it was spam, but part of my brain thought it might be a reply to a service request I had put in with the phone company, so I opened it.

I nearly threw my computer across the room in anger. The message in the email was certainly clear enough:


By now you are no doubt trying to locate your woman. Your brother has been so kind as to bring her to me. As it turns out, I decided not to go to your office a second time to ask you for money. That is not how this works. I asked once, and that is all the chance you got. Now, I have your wife as payment.

I don’t imagine you will give her up freely, so you are welcome to try to find me. But in the morning, we are heading back to Russia where she will become my bride. This concludes any dealings I have with you and your father. Please, pass the message along to him.

As an added bonus, I want this picture to be the last you will ever see of her. Enjoy and imagine all the things I will be doing to her to get her to scream my name.


