Page 8 of My Mafia Captor

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I took out my phone and typed Natalia’s number into it. I considered calling her for a moment then decided text would be better. I didn’t exactly want to talk to her yet, especially when I was expecting Aaron to call me back soon.

I typed a message and sent it before I thought about it too much.

Me: I am sending you my address. I expect you to be moved in by the end of the week. There is plenty of room, but it is fully furnished so you don’t need to bring a lot of furniture. This is my number, but please text before calling. I am a very busy man. J

I looked it over after I sent it and waited. When I didn’t get anything back within a few minutes, I went about my business. Caroline came in about a half hour later with my lunch. She was dressed in a green, form-fitting, long-sleeve dress that accentuated all her curves. Her long blonde hair was tied up in an artful twist, and my fingers itched to let it down.

I enjoyed Caroline both for her professionalism and her looks. It was rare that someone so beautiful could be so smart. Initially, I had hired her as a temp and had made plans to take her home after I fired her. But she was too good at her job to let go, and I did not have sex with those who worked for me. I could always find pussy somewhere else, but a good assistant was hard to come by.

Didn’t mean I didn’t appreciate it, though, and as she walked over to my desk, I stared at her gorgeous chest. She noticed and winked as she set the food down, bending over a little more than necessary to give me a better view of her cleavage. I had a feeling she wanted more than what we had, and she would often do things to entice me, but she was barking up the wrong tree. Above all, I was professional and, unless she quit, nothing between us was going to happen.

And of course, she wouldn’t quit because I paid her much too much for her to be able to find a better-paying job elsewhere.

“Your lunch, Mr. Morelli.”

“Thank you, Caroline. Please hold all calls for the rest of the afternoon. I have a few deals I am working on that need my full attention. And feel free to leave early. I won’t be needing your help again until tomorrow.”

“Aww, I was looking forward to eating dinner with you again,” she pouted, and I frowned. I know she did it to look cute or entice me, but it just bothered me. It wasn’t often that her flirting went too far, but lately she had been getting closer and closer to the line of being inappropriate.

“I’m sure there will be another night. Have a good evening, Caroline,” I said, dismissing her. My phone vibrated, and I picked it up. Natalia had finally answered.

N: Who is this?!

I closed my eyes and groaned. Great. She wasn’t very bright, was she?

Caroline quietly left, knowing she had been dismissed. That was one of the best things about her. She did what she was told, even when I didn’t tell her to. She was an expert at reading between the lines.

Me: Your husband. Who else would be telling you to move in with them?

N: You didn’t tell me to move in with you. You just told me to move

Me: Same difference

N: No, not really. And no, I’m not moving

She was going to give me a headache, I could feel it. If only she was more like Caroline. If I told her to move in, she would be there before I even finished the sentence. This woman was going to fight me.

Me: You are. We can’t exactly live at your father’s house now, can we?

N: You can’t, but I can, and I have no intentions of living with you

Me: You are my wife, of course we are going to be living together.

N: I’m not living with a complete stranger.

I guess she had a point there. I wasn’t exactly happy about having a stranger in my space either, but it wasn’t like I kept anything important at home anyway. Anything of note was in my office. I spent most of my time at the office too, so that wouldn’t be a problem either. Really, she was getting the better end of the deal. I didn’t know where she lived, but I doubted her father could afford anything as upscale as my penthouse apartment downtown. She was getting an upgrade, and she didn’t even know it.

Me: I’m hardly ever home and I have multiple bedrooms.

Me: You will have your own space to lock yourself into if you like

N: Why do you want me there?

That had “trap” written all over it. I thought it over. I had to appeal to her emotions, not just treat it like a business deal. My father was right about that, she was innocent in all of this.

Me: Because you are my wife, and even if this isn’t what either of us wanted, I want to try to make it work

Me: I can’t get to know you if you are hiding at your father’s house
