Page 2 of My Mafia Chauffeur

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I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "Thank you, Mrs. Tom. I appreciate your understanding."

"Of course, Anthony," she said. "We're here to support you and your family in any way we can. Just take your time, and we'll see you soon.

I hung up the phone. I have always been grateful for the nanny's kindness and understanding. I knew I could count on her to care for my daughter until I could get there.

There weren't many people I could turn to, and they all ended up causing some harm. But Mrs. Tom had been an angel since I moved into the neighborhood three years ago as a single dad with a two-year-old. It hadn't been easy since she was born, but she had been worth it. The damage that my ex-fiancée caused had cost me everything and almost sent me to a rehabilitation center. But I had been given sole custody of Amanda, for which I was eternally grateful.

My parents were the last people I wanted around my kid, and it was all over when I cut all contact with them. They would never see me or my daughter again. My daughter had only grown to know me, and I would do anything to protect that little girl. I had resolved to live for her and stay out of trouble. It would break every strength in me if she were ever taken away from me.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash in front of me, jerking me back to reality. I instinctively hit the brakes. "What the fuck is going on?" I muttered to myself angrily as the car shuddered to a stop. Looking ahead, I saw a pile-up of cars in front of me. I cursed under my breath and pulled over to the side of the road to allow the emergency vehicles to get by when they arrived.

I sat there for what seemed like hours, watching people being attended to by medical personnel. Luckily, it hadn’t been serious. A drunk driver had caused the accident, and the police had carted him away.

While waiting for the chaos to clear, I couldn't help but think about how dangerous it was to be on the road these days. I'd seen so many accidents and close calls, and I knew that every time I got behind the wheel, I was taking a risk. My life was risky, but I couldn't let my vulnerability show. The young lady I had helped earlier had reminded me of past experiences. But no one could hurt me now, and I never wanted to open that part of my life again.

"I should call James," I murmured to myself. James was the boss's right-hand man, whose temper could send anyone flying. I had to explain why I would be late. They probably already realized something had happened because I was a diligent staff member and left no stone unturned—especially not with them. I looked around the car for my phone and found it lying on the passenger seat. I picked it up and dialed James, informing him of the situation on the road. He quickly dismissed the call, leaving me to wonder what was happening.

Finally, the traffic started to move again, and I eased the car back onto the road, merging with the other vehicles and continuing on my way.

It was eerily quiet as I pulled up to the boss's mansion. The boys weren't hanging around the garage tonight, but there were about six cars in the parking area. I got out of the vehicle and entered the building.

The foyer was dimly lit, with a single chandelier casting a pale glow over the marble floors. The walls were adorned with artwork worth a fortune, including oil paintings, and the space below was filled with ornate sculptures and antique furniture.

To the left, a wide staircase ascended to the upper levels, while to the right, a heavy wooden door with a brass knocker marked the entrance to the boss's inner sanctum. Straight ahead lay a rather spacious formal living room, which extended all the way to the back of the house and served as a reception area for the boss’s guests or those needing to speak with him. I had been inside the mansion only once before, as my access was usually limited to the garage area, and I was certainly a little nervous about entering. As a driver, I had always appreciated being on the periphery of the organization, oblivious to its inner workings.

But whatever I had been called to deliver tonight must be important, and I was not one to shirk my responsibilities. I reminded myself that I had known what I was getting into when I took this job and tried to push any concerns about potential complications to the back of my mind.

Turning towards the wooden door, I noticed two heavily muscled guards standing watch. They eyed me warily as I approached, scanning me up and down before motioning for me to wait. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside.

A few tense moments later, one of the guards signaled for me to enter. I nodded to him and pushed open the door, stepping into the boss's opulent inner chamber. The room was decorated with dark wood paneling and plush velvet armchairs, and a large mahogany desk dominated the space. James was standing there and motioned for me to approach.

As I got closer, I could see the boss sitting behind the desk, his face set in a hard expression as he regarded me with piercing eyes. I admired the luxurious surroundings—expensive rugs, ornate vases, and other objects of great value—but couldn't help feeling uneasy under the boss's intense gaze. It was unusual to deal with my boss face-to-face as he always got in the back of my car without a glance or word exchanged between us. This was only the second time I had met with him in his office. The first time had been just as intimidating.

The boss was a man in his late fifties, a tall, imposing figure with sharp features. He wore a tailored suit that looked like it had cost more than my entire year's salary. As I neared the desk, I noticed a large tobacco stick lying on the surface.

"H-Hello, sir. I have come for the package to deliver," I said nervously.

The boss stood up, signaling to James, and began to move towards a back door. James motioned for me to follow him, and I fell into step behind the boss. My heart was pounding, and my physical being was screaming with discomfort. I was truly in the last place I wanted to be.

When we entered the back room, my eyes were immediately drawn to the large mahogany dining table that dominated the center of the space. The table was adorned with an array of expensive dishes, exotic fruits, and fine wines that hinted at the wealth and influence of the boss. The walls were painted a deep shade of red and adorned with framed photographs of the boss alongside other high-profile figures.

The boss sat down at the head of the table, his eyes fixed on the food. When he finally looked up, his expression was unreadable. Beyond the table, a young man writhed in agony on the floor, his face twisted in pain as the boss's boys continued to beat him mercilessly. I could see the fear in his eyes, and my heart went out to him.

"I beg of you… I just wanted to live my life…" the young man pleaded.

It was sickening. I tried to keep my expression neutral but couldn't help clenching my jaws. The beating continued, with the young man's cries of pain echoing around the room. I could see the boss's boys grinning sadistically as they inflicted more and more damage, relishing in the power they held over this helpless person.

As the clock ticked closer to ten, I knew I had to make my move. I had to find a way out before it was too late. My plans for that night did not include any troubles; I had my daughter to protect. I knew I couldn't just sit there and watch this young man be tortured.

I knew my role; it was driving. My sole purpose there that night was to pick up and deliver a package and then retreat to the safety of my own home. But the boss continued digging into his fruits silently and remained completely unaffected by the scene before him. Watching that made me even more uneasy.

"Would you like some food?" the boss asked me absently.

"I'm good, sir. I'm just running a bit late," I replied. He looked up at me and nodded.

"James, the package," he signaled to James, who had been standing guard behind the boss. James hurriedly disappeared behind the closed door, reappeared with a brown box, placed it right in front of me, and returned to his original position.

The boss looked up from his feast and turned towards me.

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