Page 107 of Fallen Knight

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“Yes. Mainly the fact I was a — how do you put it — a bloody wanker.”

I crack a smile at his attempt at mimicking my accent. “That’s one way.”

“How about twit? Pillock. Git. Arsehole. Just a plain stupid tosser.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. I changed the rules. Spun the table on you. You had every reason to walk away. I made you promises, and broke those promises. I don’t blame you at all.”

He slides closer and grabs my hands. “But I should have supported your decision, especially once you shared your reasons for choosing this path. Instead, I was a fool, Esme. A goddamn selfish ass. These past few weeks have been the worst of my life. I thought I was doing the right thing. I had a front-row seat to how miserable my mother was all of her life. How miserable shestillis. I didn’t want that for myself. At least I didn’t think I did. But then I realized something.”

“What’s that?” I ask, even though a part of me doesn’t want to hear his answer. Doesn’t want to feel anything for him.

But I do. I may not love him like I do Creed. But there are degrees of love. I still care deeply for Tristan.

Is it enough, though?

“What’s the point of having a career I enjoy when I must sacrifice the woman I love in exchange? Who does that? Who chooses their career over someone they love? That’s what I realized these past few weeks while I was on set. At first, I welcomed the distraction of filming. Thought it would make things easier. Thought it would reaffirm I made the right choice. Instead, all being there taught me was that I fucked up. That I don’t want that life anymore. Not if it means losing you.”

He inches closer, bringing his hands to my face, urging my lips toward his. “And I don’t want to lose you, Esme. You’re the love of my fucking life. If I have to give up acting to spend every day of the rest of my life with you, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Because I know you’re worth it.Youare my life. Nothing else. Just you.”

His mouth skims mine, the gentleness in his touch making my heart ache. Not because I’ve missed him.

But because of what I’m about to do to him, especially after his heartfelt declaration.

“There’s something you need to know.” Pulling away, I meet his eyes.

“Uh oh.” He laughs nervously. “In my experience, nothing good ever follows a statement like that.”

“I know. But the thing is—”

A loud knock rips through the space, and I dart my gaze toward the door, my heart plummeting to the pit of my stomach.


I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, then pull myself to my feet, praying this doesn’t become as awkward as I fear it will.

I pad across the room and place my hand on the knob, drawing in a deep breath before opening the door. The second I do, Creed’s eyes light up, a sexy smile crawling on his full lips.

“God, I—”

“Thanks so much for running to get my breakfast for me,” I say louder than necessary, hoping Creed picks up on my demeanor.

He furrows his brow, studying me for a protracted beat. Then his gaze widens as he focuses just past me.

“I thought I heard your voice,” Tristan says as he approaches, grabbing the bag and tray of coffee from Creed. If he wonders why there are two cups, he doesn’t say anything. “Let me take those off your hands.”

“Mr. Hughes.” Tone clipped and rough, he looks between Tristan and me, eyes hard. “I wasn’t aware you’d be here.”

“It was a last-minute trip. But I had to see Esme.” He glances my way with nothing short of adoration in his gaze. “I’d be an utter fool not to.”

I quickly lower my head, every word he speaks like another punch to the gut. I technically didn’t cheat on Tristan, but I hate that I can’t tell him the truth. Not without putting Creed’s livelihood at risk.

“You certainly would be,” Creed says through gritted teeth as he turns toward me, stance rigid, shoulders square. His jaw clenches, nostrils flaring in an attempt to reel in his anger.

Or perhaps disappointment.

“Enjoy your breakfast, Your Highness. I hear the cream puffs are to die for.”
