Page 18 of Fallen Knight

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“Hayes Barlow is dead. A boat registered to him washed up on the shores of Norway. Based on the copious amount of blood found, along with the evidence of bullet holes, it’s presumed he was attacked by traffickers who frequent those waters.”

“And Callie Sloane?” I press, becoming more irritable with every second.

“Her whereabouts are still unknown.”

I open my mouth to argue how suspicious all of this is. He cuts me off before I can.

“Unlike with Hayes Barlow, there’s not a single shred of evidence that foul play was involved with her disappearance. She could have wanted a fresh start. Go somewhere different. Where no one knows who she is. I’m sure you can understand.” He gives me a knowing look.

“Of course I can. That still—”

“I had the same concerns you did when I first learned of Gianna’s death, then heard about Barlow’s boat washing up on shore riddled with bullet holes. I assure you. It’s all just a coincidence. Unfortunate, but a coincidence all the same.”

He stands from his chair, and I reluctantly do the same. He grips my arms, running his hands up and down them in a reassuring manner.

“Please don’t worry yourself about this. It’s in the past. Justice has been served. If Hayes Barlow turns outnotto be dead and shows his face in public again, he’ll get the justice he deserves for what he did to Adam. What healmostdid to you.”

“Unless someone took matters into their own hands and silenced him before he could defend himself.”

He pushes out a long breath. “I’ve always appreciated the sympathy you have for all people, despite the crimes they’ve committed.”

“Alleged crimes.”

“Alleged crimes,” he corrects, but I can hear his skepticism in every syllable. “Regardless, Hayes Barlow is none of your concern. Like I said, it’s all in the past. Right now, I want you to focus on your brother. On being here for him. Okay?”

“Okay,” I say, unable to ignore my mounting unease.

From the beginning, something about Hayes’ alleged involvement in the accident that took Adam’s life never sat right with me. He didn’t seem like a violent person. More like a man desperate to find his employee. A man frustrated that nothing was being done to bring her home.

I understand what the evidence says. A man with impeccable driving skills was able to outmaneuver a trained protection officer and former special teams member. Clothing with traces of smoke and accelerant was found in Hayes Barlow’s trash bins. A car registered to him was seen on surveillance video following Adam and me. And empty cans of white gas were found in Hayes’ trunk.

But what was his motive? Because he lost his sponsorships? That didn’t seem to matter to him. All he seemed to care about was finding Callie Sloane. Nothing else.

I didn’t raise my doubts in the aftermath of everything, too numb from shattering Creed’s heart and nearly dying to think clearly.

But now I can’t ignore the nagging voice in my head.

I don’t think Hayes Barlow is responsible for Adam’s death.

But who was?

And why?



Exhaustion consumesme as I make my way up the front steps and into my apartment at Gladwell Palace, the historic complex that's comprised of apartments belonging to various members of the royal family, myself included. All I want to do is put on my pajamas, crawl into bed, and sleep for the next week.

And this is only my first day back.

I’m not sure if I’m built for this life anymore. But I can’t abandon Anderson, either. I’ve never seen him in such a dark place. Never heard such despair in his voice. Once he sees his doctors tomorrow and settles back into his routine, hopefully he’ll realize his diagnosis isn’t as dire as he believes. He’s one of the strongest, most stubborn people I know. I have no doubt he’s strong enough to get through this, too.

Ineedhim to get through this.

“There you are.”

When I hear Tristan’s voice, I glance toward the couch in the formal living room.
