Page 24 of Fallen Knight

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“He doesn’t know, does he?” Harriet remarks after a short silence as my two friends process the secret I thought I’d keep the rest of my life.

“No,” I say through the lump in my throat. “I never told him. It sounds stupid now, but after narrowly escaping with my life and learning Adam was dead, I just went along with the royal household’s version of events. By the time I finally stood up for myself, it didn’t matter anymore. I just wanted to leave it all behind me. Just wanted to move on.”

“Don’t you think he deserves to know?” Harriet presses.

“Why? So he’ll add even more blame onto his shoulders? If he knew the reason we were on that road was because Adam was taking me to see him—”

“But if he knew the truth, then maybe you two could—”

“We could what, Harri?” I exclaim, my voice incredulous. “Be together?”

I place my hands on the table as I draw in a steadying breath. When I address my friends again, my voice is low, preventing anyone from overhearing me.

“We can’t be together. He destroyed any possibility of that the second he swore that oath and became a member of the royal guard.”

Marius narrows his gaze on me. “I think we all know that if Creed knew the truth, he most likely would never have sworn that oath. He would have chosen you.”

“But he didn’t. And I don’t blame him for it. It doesn’t matter now anyway. It was nearly a decade ago now. He’s moved on.”

I bring my teacup back to my lips, keeping my eyes forward in an attempt to avoid their analytical stares that are always able to weed out the truth from the lies.

“As have I. So let’s leave the past where it belongs.” I pin them with a determined glare. “In the past.”



I drawin several deep breaths as I watch the familiar streets of Belmont’s capital city pass by. The knots in my stomach are so tight and heavy that no amount of counting or breathing exercises can calm the anxiety filling me.

I remind myself this is just a regular night at the opera, something Tristan and I enjoyed quite often while in Paris.

But we’re not in Paris anymore.

And the second I step out of this SUV and walk the carpeted stairs up to the Royal Opera House on opening night, I’ll confirm all the speculation in the gossip columns and on social media that I’m back and will be undertaking my official duties as a senior member of the royal family once more.

I can’t help but be reminded of that summer all those years ago. How I sat in the back seat of an SUV just like this one, Jameson Gates beside me, queasy over the prospect of stepping out of the car on his arm and announcing to the world we were a couple.

Little did I know that night would change my life. Not because of anything to do with Jameson Gates, though.

Because that was the night Creed showed up at my apartment and agreed to take my virginity.

The night he made me feel things I didn’t think possible.

The night I gave him a piece of my heart, even if I didn’t realize it at the time.

“It’s not too late to back out.”

When I hear Tristan’s deep voice, I snap my gaze toward his, pretending I hadn’t just been thinking about another man.

He curls his fingers around my hand from across the seat and squeezes. “Say the word and I’ll have Archie whisk us back to your apartment.” A wicked smile lights up his face, and I shiver as he leans closer, his breath tickling my neck. “Where I’ll spend the night making you sing like an opera star.”

If Archie’s embarrassed by Tristan’s insinuation, he doesn’t show it. After all, he’s been with me for over a decade now, first as a member of my protection team, then as my chief protection officer when he was promoted upon Adam’s death.

While he hasn’t been in Paris constantly, rotating the team so no one was away from home for more than a few weeks at a time, he’s grown used to Tristan’s somewhat perverse sense of humor. They all have. I’d like to think they appreciate it as a break from the stiff formality they find in this place whenever they return.

“As tempting as that sounds…” I push out a breath, my expression falling, “I have to do this.”

He nods in understanding, brushing a soft kiss against my hand. His lips linger, his breath warming my skin. “You’re a good sister.”
