Page 45 of Fallen Knight

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“My son is, and will remain, the Crown Prince of this great nation. When I step down in two years, he will become king.Yourking.” His voice thunders in the room, everything about him powerful and in control, not allowing anyone to question his authority.

“Anyone who so much as implies otherwise will be swiftly removed from this council, regardless of their length of service to the monarchy.” He pins Silas Archer with a stare before looking at my grandmother. “Or family ties.”

His statement rings in the air for several long moments before he addresses the entire council once more. “I won’t allow anyone to consider his diagnosis a weakness. Is that understood?” He looks around the table, everyone nodding and murmuring their acquiescence.

Including my grandmother and Silas Archer.


He lowers himself into his chair, the tension in the room thick.

And I couldn’t be happier. For the first time in years, I’m proud to call this man my father. He actuallyfeelslike a dad.

“That still doesn’t solve the issue of the goodwill trip,” my grandmother pipes up.

“We could delay it,” Dad suggests.

“With all due respect, sir,” Dalton Peele, my father’s head of household, begins. “I don’t believe a delay is in our best interests.”

When most people hear the term head of household, they typically think of a head butler or something like that. In our world, the head of household is my father’s right-hand man, even over his private secretary. He essentially makes sure the monarchy continues working like a well-oiled machine. He’s often compared to that of the chief of staff in the States.

“The goodwill trip is an annual event,” he continues. “An opportunity to meet with community leaders and the people of this country. It’s no coincidence it’s planned for the holiday season every year. While we try to promote our charitable endeavors year round, it’s of particular importance during the holiday season. When those in need…need more.”

“I’m not going to put Gabriel at risk by—”

“I’m not suggesting that. Just that perhaps you might want to clearyourschedule and go in his stead. It’s traditionally a trip the monarch takes anyway. We suggested to have the Crown Prince go as the new face of the monarchy.”

“Which I still believe is important,” my grandmother interjects. “We’ve all seen the numbers. The majority of support for the referendum comes from people in their thirties, particularly females. We—”

“Why doesn’t Her Highness go?” a deep voice suggests.

I instantly dart my eyes to the opposite end of the table, meeting Jameson’s gaze. His posture is relaxed, a smirk crawling on his lips.

I expect everyone to tell him it’s a horrible idea, especially since I’ve only been back a month. The royal household has been quite particular about the public events I’ve attended, making sure it wasn’t something that required me to speak on the monarchy’s behalf.

There’s no way anyone will agree.

“That might actually be better,” Pippa says, the first to break the silence.

“What?” I whip my attention toward her.

“Solely based on numbers,” she clarifies. “You’re extremely likable. Out of the entire royal family, people think you’re the most relatable. Not to mention, you’re dating one of the most popular actors right now.”

“I’m not involving Tristan in this,” I interject quickly. “I made it quite clear when I agreed to undertake my duties again that my personal life was not to be trifled with. And Tristan is part of that.”

“And we won’t involve him,” my father states with authority before softening his expression. “But this could actually be good for you, Esme. A way for you to…reconnect. Remember where you came from before you decide where you want to go.”

His statement catches me off guard. But there’s no denying it makes me think.

When I first came back here, I had absolutely no intention of staying. Figured I’d help Anderson through this initial difficulty, then return to my old life.

Return to Tristan.

Lately, I’ve felt lost, for lack of a better word. Have felt unsure of my place. Have questioned what I really want. It could simply be because Tristan’s thousands of miles away, and he’s the only thing anchoring me to what once was my life.

But maybe my father’s right.

Maybe this is exactly what I need to figure out my next step.
