Page 5 of Fallen Knight

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He snakes down my body, trailing his tongue along every inch of exposed skin. The heat emanating from his lips ignites a fire in its wake, making me tune out everything except how talented his mouth is. Including my ringing phone.

He takes his time, slowly building my pleasure until I'm desperate for him.

“And what is it you plan on doing?”

“Everything, beautiful. I’m going to do everything you want me to.” He spreads my thighs, hunger flashing in his gaze as he pushes my bikini bottoms to the side. He brings his mouth to my center, my muscles growing taut with anticipation.

Then my bloody cell rings again.

“For fuck’s sake,” I exclaim, swiping it off the table to silence it so there are no more interruptions.

But the name on the screen sends my heart skyrocketing into my throat.

I bolt upright, staring at the phone as if it’s a ticking bomb.

It’s been nine years since I’ve seen his name appear on my mobile.

Nine years since I’ve heard his voice.

Nine years since I’ve peered into his eyes.

Since I left Belmont, Creed and I have successfully avoided each other. A feat, considering he’s my brother’s chief protection officer. Anytime Anderson paid me a visit, a different member of his team accompanied him. I’m not sure if it was a directive from the General of the Royal Guard because of our history, or simply Creed not wanting to interfere with my time with my brother. Not wanting to add any awkwardness to his visit.

Why is he reaching out now?

It would have to be serious for him to call after all this time.

Dread instantly settles low in my stomach, turning everything to acid.

“Are you okay, Esme?”

At the sound of Tristan’s voice, I snap my eyes toward his, struggling to get my jumbled thoughts and emotions under control.

“It’s my brother’s CPO. He…” I shake my head. “He never calls.”

“Then you should answer it.” Tristan climbs off me, brushing a kiss to my temple. “To be continued later, beautiful.” Then he retreats, disappearing into the house to give me privacy.

I’m about to unlock my cell and ring Creed back when he calls once more. I do my best to push down the anxiety coursing through me as I hit the answer button. Holding my breath, I lift my phone to my ear, unsure how I’ll react to hearing Creed’s voice again after so long.

“Esme…,” he exhales.

In an instant, every single memory and emotion I tried to lock up and pretend didn’t exist rushes forward, especially when he says my name in that soft, raspy way he always did when it was just us.

That’s when I know something must be wrong. Because there’s no formal greeting of Your Highness.

He’s not calling as part of his official duties as my brother’s chief protection officer.

He’s calling me as a friend.

At least as my brother’s friend.

“Creed,” I manage to say, my pulse racing faster than it has in years. “What—”

“It’s Anders.”


