Page 51 of Fallen Knight

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“Wonderful. Thank you, Captain.”

“Right this way.” Thomas extends his arm toward the cabin. “There’s a conference room in the back we’ll use to go over your agenda for the day, as well as any potential security concerns.”

I follow him through the large space filled with comfortable chairs and tables, my team of publicists, secretaries, and security personnel bowing as I pass. When we reach the conference room, Thomas opens the door, allowing me to enter in front of him.

The handful of people sitting around the table shoot to their feet, bowing toward me, murmuring greetings of “Your Highness.”

I continue into the room, smiling cordially as I say a quick hello to the individuals responsible for planning this trip. But when my eyes land on the final person, I nearly stumble at the sight of Creed Lawson.

The air between us is heavy, as if I’m in a vacuum, his presence paralyzing me. I search my brain for some sort of coherent thought, but no words come.

I knew they’d brought on additional guards for this trip. It’s protocol.

Why would they transfer Creed to my detail?

Chief protection officers don’t get moved around like this. Their sole job is to be in charge of that one person’s protection detail. Nothing else.

“Shall we begin?” Thomas suggests, cutting through the tension.

“What are you doing here?” I direct at Creed, finally finding my voice.

I probably shouldn’t have asked him this in such a harsh tone, everyone’s curious stares ping-ponging between us. But if he’s irritated by the attention my behavior has placed on him, he doesn’t show it. He stands tall, adjusting his posture and squaring his shoulders.

“Due to the fact I did all the advance work for this trip, it was decided that I should accompany you.”

I part my lips as I attempt to come up with a reasonable argument why this is a bad idea, but I can’t find one that doesn’t include our history and the tension that’s grown thicker and more awkward between us over the past several weeks.

His presencedoesmake sense. I’d agreed to go on this trip in Anderson’s place a few days ago. I may not be aware of all the ins and outs of advancing a trip like this, but I imagine it’s not something he could adequately brief Archie on in such a short period of time.

“As your chief protection officer,” he adds after a brief pause.

“What?” I shoot back, this turn of events removing my ability to bite my tongue.

“Captain Walsh is still here, as you see.” He nods toward Archie. “He’ll be second in command. Because of the complexities involved, it’s not possible for me to properly convey to Captain Walsh everything he’d need to know to effectively run point. I’ll be doing that.”

Drawing in a deep breath, I turn toward my private secretary. “Can you give us the room please, Lieutenant Hawkins?”

He arches a single brow at me, silently asking if I’m sure about this. When he sees the determination in my expression, he simply nods and heads out of the room, everyone else following suit.

Once my private secretary closes the door, I take a minute to collect my thoughts, all of them a jumbled mess, as always seems to be the case around Creed. Then I level my stare on him, crossing my arms in front of my chest, as if that will protect me from the effect his mere presence has on me.

“Do you really think this is a good idea?”

“Of course not,” he snips back harshly. “I’m not happy about this either. But General Hudson is right. I’ve spent weeks advancing this trip. Know all the potential security concerns. Know where anyone wishing to do you harm could try to do so. I’ve driven the motorcade routes. Developed alternate routes. I can show Archie pictures, talk to him about every detail, where each tree, fire hydrant, and possible sniper’s nest could be located, but it’s no replacement for walking these roads and seeing it for himself. While I can appreciate how awkward this situation may be, it’s for your safety. Rest assured, when this week is over, we can go back to being…whatever we are.”

I pinch my lips together, a pang squeezing my heart.

How did we get to this point? How did we go from friends, to lovers, to strangers, to this? I understand it’s for the best, especially after we nearly kissed on the opera house balcony. There’s no denying there’s still a spark. Still an unrelenting craving anytime he’s near.

But how did we become nothing to each other?

Or maybe we’re not nothing to each other, and that’s the true problem.

When a knock sounds, I look toward the door as Thomas peeks his head in.

“I apologize for the interruption, ma’am, but we’re starting our taxi. We’ve all been instructed to take our seats.”

I grit out a smile. “Of course.” I turn from Creed, making my way toward the head of the table, sitting in what’s normally my father’s chair.
