Page 60 of Fallen Knight

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To this day, it’s one of my favorite memories, one I continue to return to when life gets hard. It was one of the few times I felt truly happy.

Even after all the years I’ve spent with Tristan, not a single moment with him has amounted to what I felt that night with Creed.

Clearing his throat, he quickly shifts his gaze forward, a strained silence falling between us once more. I want to tell him it doesn’t need to be this way. That it doesn’t have to be so goddamn uncomfortable. That he doesn’t have to be hot, then turn this frigid with the flip of a switch.

I’m about to do just that when Thomas approaches.

“I apologize, ma’am, but it’s five o’clock. While I happily canceled your public appearances this afternoon, it won’t look good if you blow off the premier’s invitation to attend the ballet tonight, as noble and charitable as this is. There are other people here to help now.”

He waves around the industrial kitchen that’s now filled with more volunteers than this place has seen in years, at least according to Ms. Stewart.

Once word got out that I canceled my afternoon engagements to volunteer in the kitchen, in heels no less, heaps of people started to show up. And not just at this soup kitchen, but around the country, as well. I’m still not sure how the royal household has responded to my break in protocol, especially knowing I’m currently working in a kitchen. Even if they berate me for blowing off a bunch of aristocrats and wealthy business owners, it’ll be worth it to know there are enough volunteers to ensure people in need don’t go hungry.

Isn’t that the point of this trip?

“Of course.” I wipe my hands on a dishtowel and remove my apron, then allow Thomas to help me into my coat.

“Thank you so much for all you’ve done,” Ms. Stewart says as she walks up to me, assigning a few volunteers to take over for Creed and me. “It means so much.”

“It felt good to be in the kitchen again. To feel…useful.”

“You’re more than welcome to come back any time. We’d love to have you.”

“I’ll definitely be taking you up on that.” I give her a genuine smile, the idea of doing something like this again filling me with a strange feeling of hope. Something I haven’t felt in too long now.

“Please do.”

I shake her hand, then turn toward Creed, who escorts me through the kitchen.

Just as he’s about to open the back door, he pauses, affectionate eyes locking with mine.

“What you did this afternoon… The people of Belmont are lucky to have you back.”

Warmth blooms in my chest, especially when I see the pride in Creed’s gaze.

I’ve never been one to care much about people’s approval. Not when I grew up in a world where approval is rarely given, if ever. I’m not sure it’s Creed’s approval that makes my skin heat. Maybe it’s simply that he understood what I was trying to accomplish and didn’t stop me, which he easily could have.

Instead, he supported this crazy idea, regardless of how much more difficult it made his job.

In a life where I feel like I never have anyone’s support for whatIwant, it meant the world to me.

It meant that he actually listened instead of simply brushing off my idea as ridiculous.

“Thank you.”

“Ma’am.” He nods, turning back into my chief protection officer.

Facing forward, he talks into his com unit to let the other members of his team know we’re coming out. Then he opens the door.

But despite the sudden shift in his demeanor, I still feel a hint of affection coming from him, especially as he touches his hand to my elbow, steering me from the back of the building and toward the main road.

Dozens of people line the sidewalk, some of them reporters, shouting questions my way, most notably whether this was all just some publicity stunt to make the monarchy look good now that there’s a possibility the people may vote to turn it into a ceremonial position.

I know I’m supposed to bite my tongue and get into the idling SUV, allow my PR team to release a statement on my behalf, but I can’t stay quiet about this. It was one thing to avoid answering questions when it pertained to my brother. I won’t do it now, too.

Breaking away from Creed, I storm toward the assembled group of reporters, jaw set and eyes blazing.

“You think this was all just some publicity stunt? That the only reason I could possibly want to help people is for some positive press. Is that it?”
