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Landon said, “It will be a while before they can learn the identity through the DNA. But the key card had fingerprints on it, and they’re runningit through the system to identify whose prints were on it.”

Frowning, Kayla glanced at Nate.

“I used a leaf to pull it partially out of his pocket and then saw it was one of your lodge’s key cards. It won’t have my fingerprints on it.”

“Once the coroner removed the ski mask, they were able to see his long, black curly hair and beard, matching the hair and beard in the photo of Durham Manning. They’re also searching for dental records to match, but they’re pretty sure it’s him,” Landon said.

Kayla patted Nate’s shoulder and kissed his cheek to comfort him, since she knew he wanted to be the one who was involved in searching for all that information.

“What about security videos?” Nate asked.

“Blake is still going over them for all the time we figure the guy was here at the lodge,” Roxie said.

“Wait,” Blake said. “I’ve got this man checking in at eight in the morning at the registration desk. After comparing the video with the picture Nate sent us, I’d say this is the same man who reserved that room. Or at least stayed there. Peter’s sending a team to go over the room, searching for any fingerprints or anything else that might help identify who all was in the room. I’m still looking to see if I can identify anyone who might have spoken to him in the lobby. No luck so far. I’ve seen himon video a few times, coming and going, but no one with him. The other guests who were staying in Manning’s former room were moved to an upgraded room—no additional cost to them—so Peter and his men can do a thorough examination of the room.”

“Okay, good,” Kayla said. They sure didn’t want to spook other guests while Peter was conducting a criminal investigation nor oust someone from their room when they’d paid good money for it and were here trying to enjoy their vacation.

Roxie said, “Hey and, um, we’ve been talking about the living situation and—”

“I think we’ve got it figured out if it works for you,” Kayla said. “Sometimes we’ll be staying in the guest room at our house, and sometimes I’ll stay in town with Nate. And then we’ll build a home on the other side of Blake and Nicole’s house.”

“Are you sure?” Roxie asked. “I was thinking I could give you the house since we all know how you are about being uprooted.”

“Thanks, Roxie.” Kayla glanced at Nate, probably realizing he might want to have some input too.

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me.” Building a new home could stress anyone out, and Kayla did love the home, but he also knew she didn’t want to make her sister move when they’d had the plan to leave it to whichever sibling wasmated last. “We can build the house just the way you want it. And it will be brand-new.”

Roxie laughed. “This one is only two years old. Just think on it. Everyone will pitch in to help me build a home on the other side of Blake and Nicole’s place, so don’t worry about that. Or they’ll do the same thing for you, just like they did with Blake and Nicole’s home. You have time to decide since everyone has accommodations for now. You two have fun and don’t worry about this murder business. We—well, Peter—has it all covered. And congratulations again! We couldn’t be any happier.”

Then Landon and Blake added their congratulations again, and they ended the call.

Kayla sighed. “Now that my siblings know about us, we need to tell Nicole and your parents.”

“Then we’ll swim.” Nate pulled out his phone and called his parents first. “Hey, Kayla and I are mated.” He put it on speakerphone.

“Good, we knew you would finally come to your senses.” His mother said it in a lighthearted, fun way. “When are you getting married?”

He knew that was coming next. “We haven’t gotten that far with any wedding plans.”

“I’ll say. Not with finding a dead body on your vacation,” his dad said.

Nate should have known that word would have reached his parents, too, via the pack grapevine. “Yeah, that was all a little unexpected.”

“Well, you and your siblings are already part of our family, but we’re so glad you mated our son, Kayla,” his dad said. “We didn’t think Nate would ever settle down and give us grandkids.”

Kayla blushed.

Nate wrapped his arm around her and hugged her.

“First comes the wedding,” his mother said. “I know, you don’t need a wedding, but you do want one, don’t you, Kayla?”

Kayla smiled. “I sure do. We’ll have it at the lodge. We’ll just have to schedule a time when I can’t shift.”

“Right. We’ll help you with everything, dear. Just don’t you worry,” his mother said.

“Okay, well, we know you two are on your vacation, so we’ll let you go, or your mother will be making all the arrangements for the wedding with you before you know it and you’ll never get back to your vacation activities,” his dad said.

Then Nate’s parents congratulated them again, but before they could call Nicole, she was ringing Kayla. “I know you had to be on the phone to Mom and Dad so I called you instead of my brother. Blake told me the great news.”

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