Page 144 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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“What you just said has nothing to do with science,” I deadpan. I let out a huff and shake my head. “We didn’t have sex.”

Candice sits on the arm of the couch nearest me. “But…?”

“Okay, yes! Fine. We fooled around last night.”

Simone squeals. “Let me call Fiona, see if she can come up here. Allie can run the till for a few minutes.”

“That’s not necessary,” I protest.

“Yeah, Fiona?” Simone speaks into her phone. “Jen’s here. She hooked up with Fallon yesterday. Okay, yep. See you in a minute.” She hangs up. “She’s on her way up.”

I groan, slouching down as I throw an arm over my face.

Heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs tell me Fiona’s on her way up. She bursts through the door. “Tell. Me. Everything!”

With much coaxing, I give the girls the broad strokes (literally) of what happened last night. They squeal and giggle and even draw a few smiles from me.

“You guys are going to bang,” Simone decrees. “Do it tonight!”

God, I want that.

But I suck in a breath and shake my head. “I don’t know.”

Candice reads my face. “How come?”

“Well…” Looking at their faces in turn, I voice my biggest fear. “What if he leaves? What if this is just some infatuation, and once we sleep together he decides he doesn’t actually like me at all?” What if I’m not enough for him?

“He likes you,” Fiona says decisively.

I chew my lip.

“Girl, that man is obsessed with you.” Simone snorts, shaking her head. “The number of times he came in early and stayed late just to be in the same room as you should be a hint.”

I frown. “Huh?”

“Oh yeah, I noticed that too,” Candice cuts in. “I want all of our employees to be in love with Jen. Free overtime.”

Fiona laughs, nodding, while I freeze in my seat.

“Fallon is not in love with me,” I say.

“Okay, Jen.” Candice pats my knee condescendingly. “Tell yourself whatever you need to get through the day.”

“He’s not!”

Simone arches her brow at me. “Isn’t he? Then why did he come back?”

“He wanted…coffee,” I answer lamely.

“Fallon came back from wherever he was because he wanted coffee? As if there isn’t a café on every corner of every city?” Fiona snorts. “Right.”

“Okay. Well.” I chew my lip. “You guys really think he came back for me?”

“The day he got here last week, he marched into Four Cups, looked at the kitchen, and asked where you were.” Candice stares me down. “The only reason he was here was to see you. Not for a damn cup of coffee.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” I mumble.

“Here’s what’s going to happen.” Simone leans forward, catching my gaze. “You’re going to meet up with him whenever he’s done with his sister. You’re going to strip naked. You’re going to tell him to have his way with you. He’s going to screw you till you can’t think straight, and definitely till you can’t walk straight. Then you’ll live happily ever after.”
