Page 152 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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I stare at the greenery outside the window, loving this part of the world in the summer. Maybe I should spend more time outside the kitchen when the competition is over. My time with Fallon in the clearing opened up a whole new world of possibilities for outdoor activities…

When we get to the Four Cups Café, I see a motorcycle out front. Trina and her boyfriend, Mac, must be back from their trip along Route 66. We stop out front and Fallon tells me he’s going to go find his sister.

Slipping out of the car, I turn to say goodbye to him when a high-pitched scream pierces my eardrums.

“There she is!” Candice squeals from the café doorway. “In the flesh.”

Instead of the Heart’s Cove Hotties T-shirt the staff usually wears, she’s got on the same tee her mother had been wearing a few weeks ago—one with a huge image of my face. Above it are the bedazzled words, Heart’s Cove’s Hottest Baker.

Behind Candice, Simone, Fiona, Trina, all the kids—Clancy, Allie, and Trina’s two, Toby and Katie—crowd in. They’re all wearing shirts with my face on them.


When I glance through the car at Fallon, the tension around his eyes has melted. He’s grinning again. “Enjoy, Jen.”

“I might call you sooner rather than later.”

He chuckles. “I look forward to it.”

Closing the door, I turn back to the crowd and am surprised to find my own lips tugging. Maybe all my time making friends and baking over the last three weeks has loosened something tight in my chest.

Candice throws herself into my arms for a tight hug. “We’re so proud of you, honey. You’re going to kill it next week. They just released the first bite-sized challenge online! We’ve watched it twice already.”

Simone shoulders her way closer. “Forget the competition. Tell us about Fallon!”

My face goes bright red, and Simone just squeals in excitement.

Glancing at Trina, I jerk my head. “How was your trip?”

“Magical.” Her eyes gleam. “It’s good to be home, though.”

As the girls drag me inside, I have to say I feel the same way. The competition is fun and intense, but being back in the café reminds me why I’m trying to win. Because I love these people, and I love this place, and I’ve worked hard to make something special here.

Now, the only thing that’s missing is Fallon by my side.



The Four Cups Café is pandemonium, as usual. Once I fight my way to Jen and manage to give her a quick squeeze on the elbow—she doesn’t like hugs—I make my way back to the table near the back. My kids are happy to be here, busy with their grandmother, and I sink into a chair next to Iliana.

“Didn’t think I’d see you here when I rode up this morning.” I smile, sipping my coffee. My eyes drift to the other side of the café, where Mac is leaning against the counter looking good enough to eat. He’s smiling at something Fiona’s husband, Grant, is saying, the two of them looking far too sexy to be standing in a quirky café.

“And I didn’t think I’d see you riding on the back of a motorcycle,” Iliana quips, brow arched. She jerks her head to my man. “He’s pretty easy on the eyes.”

A flush rises up my neck. I nod. “Tell me about it.”

“Naughty Trina, hooking up with her daughter’s teacher.” Iliana clicks her tongue. “You’ve certainly changed.”

“Oh, shush.” I hide a laugh behind my mug, then go on the offensive. “What about you? Why are you popping up in this small town after globetrotting for so long?”

Iliana’s face grows shuttered as her eyes slide to the side. Then, as if nothing happened, she just squares her shoulders and paints a smile on her face. “It was time to come home.”

She’s hiding something, but I’m not sure what. Before I can ask her about it, my daughter, Katie, jumps off her chair. She sprints to Mac and thrusts a piece of paper in his hands. “I made this for you!”

Mac takes the paper, crouching down next to Katie. I love that he does that. He never speaks to my kids from his full height. Whenever he has to talk to them, he’ll sit or kneel or crouch so they’re eye-to-eye. He looks at the drawing Katie gave him as his eyes crinkle. “It’s beautiful, Katie.”

“That’s you.” Katie points. “You’re on your motorcycle with Mommy. And that’s me and Toby waving with Nana. Can I ride your motorcycle, Mr. Blair—um, I mean, Mac?”

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