Page 161 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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“When we were approached about attending the finale, the showrunners mentioned your name. We saw the first bite-sized challenge online, and were surprised to see the two of you so close. The producers made it sound like my daughter and you were…involved.” He pauses. “You can understand our surprise, seeing as Jen never mentioned you.”

Even though I know Jen isn’t close with her parents, the barb still stings. What is he getting at?

Mr. Newbank turns to face me once more, his face hard. Unyielding. “My wife and I took the liberty of doing some cursory checks on your background.”

“Excuse me?” My brows lower. Is this guy for real?

“Mr. Richter, you must know that with your”—he cants his head—“history, we would understandably be worried about your involvement with our daughter.”

“Your daughter is a grown woman capable of making her own choices.”

“Of course. One question, though. Does she know about the felony charge? Does she know what you’ve been doing for six months? How involved you are in the prison community?”

Heat blasts through me as aggression explodes inside me. I will tell her. I’ll tell her tonight, when we have time! I’ll explain everything that happened, and Jen will be able to decide for herself if she wants to keep pursuing whatever exists between us.

Plus, what I’ve been doing for six months has been good. I was a felon with no prospects, and I know how dehumanizing that felt. Teaching people real-world skills so they can start their lives over once they get out of prison is not a bad thing. But Jen’s father doesn’t seem to agree.

Plus, the truth is I haven’t told her. I’ve kissed her and claimed her and accepted her love—and I’ve kept that part of myself separate.

Jen’s father must see it on my face, because he rocks back on his heels. “I didn’t think so. Do us a favor and back away from Jen, Fallon. You’re not the man for her.”

With one last loaded look, Mr. Newbank walks away from me. I stand tall until he’s out of sight, then lean back against the barn and drop my head into my hands.

I’m insulted that they ran a background check on me. Horrified at what they saw. Ashamed of my past. Angry that they dared to tell me how to live my life—and are trying to stop Jen from living hers.

But most of all, I feel bleak, bottomless despair.

Because he’s right. I’m not the type of man that could ever be worthy of Jen. Even if she listened to my past and accepted it, the fact is, she deserves better than me.



The sound of my name makes me turn to see Amanda Bailey walking toward me. She’s wearing stilettos, her hair is blown out, face impeccably made up, and she’s beaming at me.

My chest seizes. Did she see me kiss Fallon? Would she care?

“You. Are. Amazing!” She makes to hug me, then pauses and awkwardly squeezes my shoulders instead.

I appreciate it, even though a hug would have been fine. I’m getting used to them, but I still feel like I’ll need a week of seclusion to recover from all this socializing and physical contact.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I clear my throat. “Amanda. Nice to see you. I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I knew you could do it.” She smiles at me, her red lipstick looking sophisticated and sexy on her full lips. Eyes darting behind me, she arches a brow. “I wasn’t expecting to see you and Fallon together, though.”

“About that…”

When Fallon quit his job at Four Cups and decided to leave town, she seemed to accept that they weren’t getting back together. But will she still feel that way now?

She laughs and waves a hand. “Girl, go for it.”

Hope blooms in my chest. “Really? I thought you might have feelings for him…”

She tilts her head from side to side as she hums. “I mean, kind of. Yes. Okay, sure. When he first emailed me, I thought maybe there was a reconciliation in the cards for us.” Shrugging, she spreads her palms. “But we’re two completely different people now. I’m over it—and I know Fallon is too.”

A breath slips through my lips. What a relief.

“I just wish you two had told me about this”—she waggles her fingers at me—“before Fallon left town. Would have saved everyone a lot of time.”
