Page 195 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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“I’d say the same, but I only like to speak the truth.” His laugh sounds like a donkey’s bray, and his girlfriend giggles beside him.

He gives me that cocky, punchable grin, and jerks his chin at Lily. “How much did Rudy bribe you to accept this date? I know you’re only here out of pity.”

Lily just blinks at him without answering.

Jared doesn’t let up. “Is Rudy bringing you to the charity auction next week? He’s been trying to find a date to the event for ages. I keep telling him to just give it up and accept that he’ll end up alone. No sense beating a dead horse.”

Lily bristles. “As scintillating as this conversation is, you’re blocking my view of the sunset.” Her voice is ice-cold, and a surprised chuckle falls from my lips. Then, for added emphasis, she waves her hand for him to clear out of the way.

Jared gapes at her, mumbles something under his breath that sounds a lot like an insult, and sneers at me. “You seem to have found your match, Rudy. Congratulations.”

The two of them walk away, and Lily stares at their retreating backs before flicking her gaze to meet mine. “They were pleasant,” she deadpans.

“I’m sorry about that,” I say. “He’s my cousin. Well, my great-aunt’s grandson. So…second cousin? Removed? I don’t know, I just call him my cousin. He’s always had this weird competitive streak with me.”

“He’s kind of a jerk.”

I laugh. “And a sunset-view-blocker.”

“One and the same.” Lily’s eyes crinkle at the corners. The sun has almost slipped below the horizon, and the last few rays of golden light are glowing across her face.

“I have to say, the way you dispatched him was pretty hot.”

She sips her water and gives me a casual shrug. “I aim to please.”

I bite back a growl. I like this woman. I like her fire, her attitude. I like that she’s no wilting flower and that she’s not afraid of standing up for herself. I wonder if she’d have that kind of fire in bed, if she’d rake her nails down my back and tell me exactly what she wants.

“So,” she says, setting her glass down and flicking her eyes up to mine, “what’s that charity thing about?”

I wave a hand. “A family thing. Jared’s parents are throwing a silent auction to fight against elephant poaching in Kenya.” I give her a grim smile. “Sounds great in theory, but is actually an evening of elitist drivel, full of people who peacock about the fact that they’re doing a good thing. I’m dreading it and I was planning on going alone. It happens every year, and every year it’s torture.”

“I’ll go with you if you want. If you think it’ll annoy Jared.” A mischievous gleam flashes across her eyes. “I’ll even wear heels.”

A strange kind of excitement curls in my stomach, but I school my features into a casual expression. “You don’t have to do that.”

Lily laughs. “I know that, Rudy. What if I want to?”



Stupid, stupid, stupid.

What was I thinking?

Rudy pulls up outside the Four Cups Café, where I asked him to drop me. I can see the lights on in the private library space above, and I know my sisters are up there. Being around a band of chattering women so I can unwind some of this tension in my gut is far, far preferable to going to my lonely apartment and thinking of Rudy.

The car’s engine turns off, and my fingers smooth over the strap of my purse. Rudy’s hand moves to the back of my seat, and I gather my courage to look at him.

Night has fallen around us, and he looks harsher in the shadow from the streetlights. His hand is inches from my face, his thumb moving to brush the very top of my shoulder.

“I had a good time,” he tells me, his voice a low growl.

I nod. “Me too.”

This is where we kiss, I realize. I made that whole speech about keeping things casual, and if I want to have some hot roll in the hay with him, things are going to get physical.

I want things to get physical.
