Page 232 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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“Quiet, you. My throw pillows never did anything to you.” I’m grinning when he sweeps the whole lot of them off the bed. My jeans fly over the pile of pillows and land with a soft thump. “Neither did my pants, for that matter.”

Rudy gives me a light smack on the side of my rump in response, and I let out a yelping laugh.

I haven’t had this much fun in ages.

Rudy toes off his shoes, eyes on my body. I might arch my back a little for his benefit, and I might stretch my arms in a way that shows off my curves. Sue me. I feel beautiful and sexy for the first time in far too long.

I turn on my side and prop myself on my elbow to watch Rudy fight his cuffs for a moment, until I swing my legs around and sit up to help.

It’s oddly intimate. Rudy stands still, his belt buckle gleaming near my face, and presents his wrists to me one at a time to deal with. Once I’ve freed him of his cuffs, he starts on the rest of the shirt buttons while I attack the belt buckle. I finish first, and before Rudy has half the buttons off, I’ve pushed his pants, underwear and all, down to the ground.

My heart is in my throat as I see the hardness of his arousal so close to my mouth. I reach for it as my eyes flick up to meet his, but he catches my wrists and uses his weight to pin me back on the bed, hands clamped on either side of my head.

I laugh, surprised more than anything. “Hey! I was busy.” I can feel his erection pressed against the crook of my hip, and my voice comes out breathier than I’d intended.

Instead of answering, Rudy grabs me by the waist and manhandles me up the bed and onto the much-reduced pile of pillows. Another laugh escapes me. I can’t help it—I’m enjoying myself. There’s none of the awkwardness there was with Phil, my apparently married ex. I don’t have to try hard to be sexy for Rudy, because even braless in an old T-shirt and rubber gloves, he couldn’t keep his hands off me. Now that I’m nearly naked, it feels like he can barely control himself, and that turns me on more than anything.

And when Rudy kneels between my legs and tugs my panties off, I decide I am allowed to have unlimited fun for the next twelve hours. His hands slide up my thighs, thumbs brushing the softness between my legs. When he dips his head to taste me, my knees fall apart. I moan as he touches me, licks me, devours me, my hands once again reaching down to twist into his hair.

What turns me on most of all are the rough sounds coming from Rudy’s throat, as if he’s enjoying himself just as much as me. Heat curls in the pit of my stomach and the tightness of an impending orgasm starts to build. I arch my back, gasping, and Rudy takes that as an invitation to delve into me with his fingers.

This is probably wrong. Scratch that—this is definitely wrong. I’m pregnant with another man’s child, and even though that man walked out on me without looking back, I know I shouldn’t be doing this with Rudy without telling him the truth.


Is it selfish to think I deserve to feel good? The past weeks have been a quagmire of doctors’ appointments, stress, and weighty secrets. Since my first dinner date with Rudy, those stresses have slowly been stripped away, and whatever happens when the clock strikes four o’clock tomorrow morning, I’m here now.

Rudy lifts his head, his lips glistening as he crawls up toward me. When he kisses me deeply, I taste myself on his mouth.

“Your mind wandered just then,” he says, tucking his head by my neck to kiss the soft skin below my ear. “What’s up?”

I close my eyes. Am I really that easy to read?

“I want you here with me when we do this, Lily,” he says, his voice barely more than a low growl. I feel the vibrations of it in my throat and find myself nodding.

“I’m here.”

“You’ll make me feel self-conscious about my skills in the bedroom if you’re so quick to be distracted.”

I roll my eyes as his hand starts a torturous journey south. “Wouldn’t want to hurt your poor, fragile ego, now would we?”

Rudy grins as his eyes flash, then I’m on my stomach before I can blink. He gives me a sharp smack on the ass that makes me yelp in surprise, then I stuff my face in the pillow and laugh again. “Hey!” I turn my head to look over my shoulder.

With his knees on either side of mine, still wearing his half-unbuttoned shirt, Rudy looks undone and wild and beautiful. He grins at me, smoothing his hand over my curves to soothe the sting of his smack. “You deserve that for being a brat.”

“A brat!” I cry, hiding my laugh with mock-outrage. I don’t remember ever laughing this much while being intimate with a man. “Do you get off on calling a forty-year-old woman a brat?”

In response, Rudy prods me with something that proves that yes, he does indeed get off on that.

I giggle again, twisting around beneath him.

His palms land on the bed on either side of me and he dips his head to kiss me softly. “I love hearing you laugh,” he says.

Turning around completely, I pull him down for a deeper kiss. We fumble to arrange our legs so his hips are cradled against mine, then Rudy is reaching over the side of the bed for his pants. I scrape my fingers through his hair as he pulls out his wallet, revealing a condom from one of the compartments.

I arch a brow. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to keep condoms in your wallet? It can wear them down and tear them.”

Not that I can get pregnant tonight—that ship has sailed.
