Page 7 of Conquest

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“We did. They’re all in place. I can take you to the dining room if you’d like to take a look.”

Amelia smiled at Reynold. “That would be great.”

She followed the older man across the lobby as guests laughed boisterously in the lobby bar. The sound of merriment faded as they made their way down the hallway to the main ballroom. Round tables draped with white tablecloths filled the space, with a big dance floor at the front of the room. The DJ’s table stood in the corner, and the man behind it lifted an arm to wave at Amelia.

She waved back with her free hand. He bent his head to plug another cable into a speaker, then moved to his laptop with a deep furrow between his brows.

Amelia turned to her tablet and scrolled through her checklist. The centerpieces were in place, bursting with flowers in all shades of purple. The seat covers were tied with elegant bows, the swags of fabric were draped around the walls of the room, DJ, dance floor, lights, name cards, seat map…

Good, good, good. Everything was in place.

Amelia let out a huff, her shoulders dropping. For the first time in three weeks, she felt like she could take a breath. A wide smile tugged at her lips as she met Reynold’s eyes. “It looks amazing, Renny.”

The kindly old man smoothed a hand over his thick gray hair, then did the same to his mustache. He nodded solemnly at her. “Couldn’t have done it without you,” he said as he gave her a nod. “And as soon as the cake gets here, we’ll be all set.”

Amelia froze. Blinked. Inhaled. “The…cake? What do you mean? Where’s the cake?”

Reynold frowned, his mustache quivering. “I…well… I was going to ask you the same thing.”

Her heart stopped as she scrolled down the list, reading every item twice. Her eyes were deceiving her. There was no way. After everything, after all the hours, after every painstaking detail…

Amelia had forgotten to pick up the wedding cake!


It was onlybecause Leo had been keeping one eye on the bar’s entrance that he saw Amelia sprinting across the lobby toward the front doors. Her purple dress and white-blond hair trailed behind her as she ran, heels clomping on the tile floors so loudly he could hear them over the music and chatter filling the space.

He didn’t even tell the other groomsmen where he was going. He just tore off after her without a word, catching sight of her as she disappeared through the hotel’s revolving doors.

It didn’t make sense to follow her like this. He didn’t even know where she was going. But it was an urge he couldn’t resist; he sprinted around the side of the hotel into the parking lot, catching up to her as she skidded to a stop beside a white four-door sedan.

Amelia’s head snapped up, silver eyes flashing. “What are you doing?”

He circled to the passenger seat. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

They stared at each other across the hood of the car, and Leo could almost sense the annoyance growing in her. It was better than the panic that had filled her gaze a moment ago. Her light brows slashed downward. “Go back inside.”

“No can do.”

Her scowl intensified.

Leo didn’t know why it pleased him so much, but it did. It wasn’t that he wanted Amelia to be annoyed, it was just that her gaze was currently pointed solely at him, and that was a lovely feeling. She planted her hands on her hips, but the effect lost a lot of potency because all he could see of her was her head and the tops of her shoulders.

He tried the door latch. “It’s locked.”

“Of course it’s locked,” she grumped. “Why would I leave my car unlocked?”

“Where are we going?” Leo smiled when her eyes shot fire across the hood of the car.

“Weare not going anywhere.Iam going to pick up my sister’s wedding cake.”

“I’ll help.”

She inhaled and opened her mouth as if to protest, then snapped it shut again. Her gaze narrowed, and Leo met it squarely. Finally, Amelia relented. “Fine.” She dug through her purse and found her keys, pressing the button on the fob to unlock the doors.

When they slid inside, Leo caught a hint of her scent, a mixture of notes that weren’t exactly feminine except for the fact that she wore them. He clipped his seatbelt and tried to rein himself in.

What was he doing? Why was he here?
