Page 127 of Savage Hearts

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“Malice,” I moan, pressing into him, trying to get more.

There’s no answer in response, but he does draw away, leaving me wet and needy.

After another few seconds, another mouth is on me.

It takes even less time for me to realize that it’s Ransom, and that’s partly because of the piercing in his tongue, although he tries to hide it. But the way he licks me gives it away too. He laps at me like he wants to savor it, swirling his tongue around my clit and giving little teasing flicks over the sensitive nub.

“Ransom,” I guess, my toes curling.

There’s a muffled curse, and then his tongue spears its way into my pussy, fucking me shallowly before retreating.

The next mouth is even more obvious. I’m positive it’s Vic. His way is a little more shy than his brothers’. He’s newer at it, but there’s a hunger behind it all the same. It’s so perfectly him, the way he dives in and then tries to figure out the best way to please me, his tongue dipping and lapping and working me up even more.

“Vic,” I gasp.

Pride rushes through me as he makes a noise of confirmation.

“That’s it, then.” I lift my head as I grin in the men’s general direction, still unable to see them. “I won.”

Ransom chuckles. “Ah, but I never said we only got one turn with you, angel. We’re not done yet.”

Huh. I guess that’s true.

So the game keeps going.

Another mouth comes back to my pussy, a tongue working its way deep inside me. It fucks me, alternating between deep thrusts and licking my clit, keeping me on the edge. Before I can get too into how that feels, they switch out again, and this time, teeth graze my clit, giving me that edge of pain that enhances everything else so much. Then they switch again.

As it keeps going, I get more and more worked up. The changing styles keep me on edge, none of them letting me get used to it enough to chase the pleasure that’s building under my skin.

The more turned on I get, the harder it is to keep track of who’s who. The little things that distinguish them from each other start to blend together, but I keep guessing names.




“Malice again.”

It comes out breathier and breathier, and I tremble and shake on the bed, my thighs quivering with the sensations.

“Ransom,” I guess, and then I hear the man in question laugh.

“Wrong guess, pretty girl.”

Someone pinches my nipples hard enough to make me gasp and gush, and I cry out. Then another mouth is on me, lapping up the surge of arousal that trickles down my inner thighs before latching on to my clit.

“She’s getting close,” Vic observes, his voice somehow clinical and heated at the same time. “Keep doing that, and she’ll come for you.”

This time, itisRansom between my legs. I can feel his tongue piercing as he sucks hard on my clit, making my back bow.


I clutch at his hair, tugging on the strands as I fly apart just like Vic said I would.

Even as I tremble in the aftermath of the orgasm, the men don’t stop. My body feels sensitive and overstimulated—and that, combined with the blindfold, cranks everything up another notch. It’s almost too much when that tongue presses into me, and I whimper, not sure whether I want to grind closer or squirm away.

“Malice,” I guess, and someone makes a buzzer sound.
