Page 133 of Savage Hearts

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She blinks, her brown eyes shimmering. “It’s just… the one time I ask you what you just said in Russian, and you hit me with that.”

I can tell she’s a little overwhelmed by my statement, and I don’t want to make her worry any more than I’m sure she already is, so I don’t repeat it. I just kiss her one last time before passing her over to my brothers.

They pull her into their arms one after the other, and I leave them to it, giving them privacy as they kiss her and murmur quiet words. I fucking love the times when we all surround her, sharing her between us—but some moments are meant to be more intimate than that, shared between two people alone, and this is one of those.

Once it’s finally time, the first thing we do is meet up with Jonah, driving across Detroit to the tattoo parlor that serves as his base of operations.

His daughter is there with him when we pull up, glaring at him with her hands on her hips, her teal colored hair drawn back into a tight ponytail.

“I can’t believe you’re really not going to let me come with you,” she says. “A job this big, and you really expect me to just sit here and wait for you to get back?”

Jonah closes his eyes and sighs. “That’s exactly what I expect you to do, Quinn. We’ve already been over this. I’m not letting you get wrapped up in this shit. And besides, I need you here. With half of the Enigma crew being sent out to serve as a diversion and keep the road clear, we’ll have fewer people protecting our territory. I need you in charge of the men who stay behind.”

She scowls at him darkly, looking a whole lot like Willow in her stubborn defiance. She and her father have a silent standoff that goes on for at least a minute, a whole debate being played out without words.

Finally, Quinn gives in, breaking eye contact. “Fine. But you’d better bring your ass back here in one piece, old man. Or you’ll hear about it from me.”

He snorts under his breath and pulls her into a one armed hug, squeezing her for a second before letting her go. “Get out of here. You have work to do.”

She glances at the rest of us and then goes, heading into the tattoo parlor.

Once she’s gone, Jonah turns his attention to us, his demeanor hardening. “I’m ready. Let’s bring this bitch down.”

From there, we split up into two teams. Willow, Ransom, and Jonah go in one car, and Vic and I go in the other. I get behind the wheel, leaving Vic free to coordinate and check things, planning any recalibrations to the plan as needed. If Olivia’s car makes a detour or doesn’t leave on time, he’ll know about it.

Several members of Jonah’s crew are spread out around Detroit as well, ready to distract and delay the other wealthy society members who were invited to the art showing tonight. We can’t have any of them driving the same route Olivia will be taking and witnessing what goes down. We need her completely isolated and alone.

The car Jonah, Ransom, and Willow are in will tail her backup vehicle at a distance, waiting for their moment to take that car out. Vic and I will speed ahead to get into position on the stretch of road that we’ve determined will be best for the attack.

We’ll lie in wait for her, and once her backup guards are out of the picture, Vic and I will move in on her.

We keep in touch via earpieces, the kind of expensive shit we could never afford before, checking in every so often to make sure things are going according to plan.

This really is the perfect area for something like this. Forty-five minutes or so outside the city, we’re on long stretches of two lane roads where there’s almost no traffic. No one comes out here without a reason, so there’s not much chance of interference.

The drive would be peaceful if it wasn’t for the clattering of my nerves in my head and the adrenaline pumping through me. It ratchets up a notch the closer we get to where we need to be, and once we’re in place, I’m barely sitting still at all.

Vic glances over at me from his laptop, raising an eyebrow. He doesn’t say anything, but I don’t really need him to.

I just shake my head, curling my fingers around the steering wheel as I pull over and position us just off the road, partially obscured behind the brush. There’s too much to say, and it feels like saying this shit out loud might jinx it and make all my worst fears come to life.

I glance at the clock. We’re coming up on the time when Olivia should be getting close.

There’s no time to be anything but ruthless and focused now. We have to be ready.

“We’re trailing her backup vehicle.” Ransom’s voice comes through in my ear. “They’re getting close now. Almost go time.”

“Wait for the right moment,” Vic advises. “We’re only going to get one shot at this.”

“Got it.”

The atmosphere grows even more tense as we wait. I can hear some murmured conversation from the other car, Ransom and Jonah discussing something, and Willow adding her input.

Just hearing her voice makes me feel a bit better. I know that no matter what happens, Ransom will do his damnedest to keep her safe.

“Now!” Ransom says suddenly, and I can hear tires screech in the background as the car they’re in accelerates.

The sound of gunshots rings through my earpiece, but I can’t focus on that anymore. I have to assume Ransom and Jonah are doing what they need to do, because less than a minute later, the car carrying Olivia in it comes zooming up ahead, right toward where we’re waiting.
