Page 134 of Savage Hearts

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“Let’s go,” Vic says.

He stows his laptop and grabs his gun, and I roll down the window, moving almost on instinct. Before the sleek black SUV can get too far past us, I shoot out the two back tires, sending it into a tailspin, weaving across the road.

It does a complete three-sixty before it screeches to a halt, and almost as soon as it stops, the doors of the car burst open. Two men in suits emerge from the front of the car, armed and shooting right at us.

Vic opens the door on his side of the car and uses it for cover, popping up at strategic moments to fire back at the guards. I do the same on my side, using the anticipation burning through my veins to keep moving.

I clip one of the guards in the leg, and he goes down, only to be shot through the head by Vic a second later.

The back passenger door of the car opens, and Olivia’s third guard pokes an arm out, shooting toward us and giving cover to his partner. That man takes advantage of the cover and rushes toward us, clearly trying to reach us so he can take us out at close range.

He barrels into the car door Vic is hiding behind, shoving my twin backward. Vic grunts, shooting toward him again. He clips the guard, who grunts and launches himself at my brother. More bullets fly from the guard inside the car, and I curse under my breath.

Fuck. I’ve got to take that one down.

Steadying my hand as Vic grapples with the guard who went after him, I wait for the other guard’s arm to emerge around the SUV’s door again, and the moment it does, I take my shot. My bullet connects with the man’s forearm, making him drop the gun clutched in his grip. He pitches sideways a little, giving me just the barest glimpse of his face, but that’s all I need.

I squeeze the trigger again, and blood sprays as I hit the side of his head. I’m not sure it’s enough to take him down at first, but then he topples from the car and lies next to the half open door, going still.

Beside me, two muffled gunshots ring out, and I hear the sound of heavy breathing. A second later, Vic stands up. Blood spatter crosses his face, making him look unhinged and dangerous, but I don’t bother pointing it out. I’m sure he’s aware of it, but he has a more important mission right now than getting cleaned up.

The two of us share a quick nod and then move as one, crossing the road with our weapons drawn and pointed at the car.

“Go around to the other side,” Vic tells me. “We’ll box her in so she can’t run.”

I nod, crossing around the car to the other passenger door. At the same exact moment, we both yank our doors open.

I raise my gun, ready to put a fucking bullet in Olivia’s skull—

But the back seat of the car is empty.

“What the fuck?” I snarl.

“Check for any possible hiding compartments,” Vic directs quickly. “Maybe she got spooked and hid.”

My heart is beating in overtime as we search the car, but there’s no goddamned sign of her. Slamming my fist against the metal siding of the SUV, I step away from it, my gun gripped tightly in my hand.

“Ransom. Jonah. Abort,” I bite out. “Get Willow the fuck out of here. Olivia isn’t in this car. I don’t know where the fuck she is, but she’s not—”

A screech of tires from my right cuts me off. I don’t even have time to look up before the sound of more gunshots are echoing through the trees around me. Something punches my chest, two bullets slamming into my vest and knocking all the air out of my lungs.

For a second, I can’t breathe at all, my entire chest seizing up from the force of the blow. Then something hits the back of my head, and I go down hard, hitting the asphalt with a heavy thud.

The last thing I see before I black out is Vic hitting the ground beside me.



My heart is racing so fast,I’m sure everyone in the car can hear it trying to beat out of my chest.

Malice was saying something about how Olivia wasn’t in the car… then there were gunshots, and the sound of some kind of scuffle.

And now nothing. The transmission is totally dead

“Malice?” Ransom shouts, holding a hand to his ear as if that will help. “Malice, what the fuck?”

“Vic!” I call, my voice shaking. “What happened?”
