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“That time is over.” Lio gave her an adamant kiss.

She kissed him in return with all the zeal he felt in her aura. Her hand tangled in his tousled hair, catching the one braid he wore. She knew that thread of a braid meant a powerful promise to her, but her touch felt like a promise to him.

If he didn’t stop her now, they would be late for tonight’s official events. He pulled his mouth away. “You told Perita you’re sleeping two hours late, didn’t you? Two Orthros hours.”

She trailed her fingers along his unshaven jaw. “Mm hm. Which is three Tenebran hours. I’m sure she’s thrilled for three whole hours in bed with Callen. For two newlyweds, being handmaiden and bodyguard to the royal representative from Tenebra to Orthros is a demanding occupation.”

“In that case, you and I have just enough time for coffee, breakfast, and the nightly invasion.”

Cassia frowned. “Invasion?”

“We are expecting a small, quiet, and inescapable force of three.” A grin came to Lio’s face. “As soon as I lift the veil spell over my residence for moon hours, Zoe always comes in with her goats.”

Cassia’s face lit up. “I’ll have time to see her before duty calls.”

His Grace and his little sister were already drawing as close as he had hoped. “Why don’t you relax a moment longer while I make our coffee?”

Before he could get out of bed, Cassia hooked her leg around his. “What about your breakfast?”

His gaze fixed on her short leg intertwined with his long one, her olive skin against his nocturnal pale. He listened to her pulse, and his body wanted to take up the rhythm. The shard of white marble she wore as a pendant throbbed between them, luring him. Cassia’s talisman of protection was also a sacred artifact of their love.

“I enjoyed dinner all night long,” Lio said. “My needs are certainly satisfied for the time being.”

Cassia shook her head. “No more skipping breakfast. We learned our lesson on the voyage, when you couldn’t make it through the night without suffering from your hunger. We will make time for your needs.”

She issued her verdict with a kiss that made his fangs shoot out of his gums.

She was here in his bed insisting he feast on her now. Lio prided himself on his self-discipline, but now was not the time for pride. His canines and everything below his waist were in agreement.

He took her foot in his hand and pulled her leg higher around him. He would make it a quick breakfast. Find out how fast she liked it. See just how little time he needed to make her climax.

A fist pounded at the front doors. Lio and Cassia jumped apart and sat up halfway.

Lio put an arm around her to soften the startle. “I sense Mak’s aura.”

“I thought he and Lyros were on guard at the guest houses.”

“They are, and neither of them would risk taking their eyes off the mages unless it was urgent.”

A sudden sweat beaded on her skin. “What could have happened?”

The pounding came again.

“I’ll go find out while you get dressed.” Lio disentangled himself from her and levitated out of the spacious window seat that served as their bed. His magic sent the silk pillows flying. “Sorry.”

“I feel like hurling pillows, too.” Cassia clambered out of the bedclothes. She nearly tripped over her hound, who jumped up from his blanket to greet her.

“He thought the other side of the room was too far way,” Lio explained on his way to the door. “While you were asleep, he came to lay by the bed, so I moved his blanket.”

“Thank you, Lio. That was kind of you.” Cassia ducked behind Lio’s dressing screen, her canine shadow following her.

Lio fastened his robe around himself along with his personal veil spell, which would have to substitute for cold ablutions. No time to walk across the library and open the inner doors. He took one Hesperine step to the entry hall. He opened the veil over his residence, and before he could open the front doors, his cousin stepped inside.

“Chrysanthos called a surprise council,” Mak announced. “Bloodless mage expects the entire embassy to leap to attention. If Cassia isn’t there in a quarter of a Tenebran hour, he’ll know she’s not where she’s supposed to be.”

“Goddess. If Perita tries to wake the illusion of Cassia sleeping in the guest bed—”

Mak shook his head. “Lyros has eyes on Perita and Callen’s chambers. They’re running behind, too. Just get Cassia to her guest room before Chrysanthos realizes she’s the Hesperine sympathizer he’s hunting.”

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