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It took Ioustin a long time to make his way through the guests, they were so eager to mark the occasion of him being here. By the time he reached Lio and Cassia, he appeared even less in festival spirits than when he had entered.

Lio clasped his wrist. “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you.”

Ioustin tugged him closer and turned the wrist clasp into an embrace. “Happy Gift Night, Lio.”

“Happy Solstice,” Lio replied, standing back.

“Don’t look so worried about me.”

“I’m sorry you’re not enjoying the festivities.”

Ioustin sighed. “I shouldn’t have come. I knew I would only afflict others with my inability to celebrate.”

“No, no, we’re so happy you’re here,” said Cassia. “You don’t have to apologize for not feeling like celebrating, not at a time like this. Lio would have called everything off, if his gifts weren’t so important to Blood Komnena’s Ritual tributaries.”

“Thank you, Cassia.” Ioustin took a step closer, and a veil rife with royal power rose around them. “I admit to being preoccupied with the latest report from Basir and Kumeta.”

Cassia leaned forward. “They managed to deliver news from the Magelands?”

“Now that they have infiltrated Cordium, they cannot risk leaving to make contact with home, but they are relaying through other envoys.”

“What can you tell us?” Lio asked.

“Nothing,” Ioustin answered. “A remarkable degree of nothing. When an execution is anticipated, it is usually the talk of Cordium. The Order of Anthros makes a point to boast any time Hesperines are in custody. And yet all is silent.”

Lio frowned. “Does the Order’s secrecy not make sense? They may not know precisely at what moment the Dexion will seize the opportunity to reveal that they have hostages. In the meantime, they wouldn’t want word to reach our informers.”

Ioustin shook his head. “Even so, there are certain players that respond in situations like this. There are discreet signs we have learned to recognize, which are strangely absent. Orthros is on vigil, but Cordium is not.”

“I hope Basir and Kumeta will stay safe,” Cassia said.

Lio hesitated. “How are you, Ioustin?”

Ioustin’s gaze filled with a fire Lio had seldom seen there. “It will be felt all the way to Corona, now that the eighth bloodborn has taken up Prometheus’s torch. Well done. Goddess knows I wish I had been at Circle to see that.”

“So do I. But I’m so glad you’re here for this.” Lio picked up Ioustin’s present from the table. “You don’t have to open it in this crowd.”

Ioustin gave him a curious glance as he accepted the package wrapped in blood-red silk. “Well, I will say thank you now.” He cast a mournful glance at the well-wishers lining up behind him.

Before Lio could try to persuade Ioustin not to leave, Zoe slipped out of the crowd and took their Ritual father’s hand in both of hers. “Rudhira! You’re here! Do you want to see the cave Papa helped me make?”

Her Blood Union might be new, but it was strong. Ioustin smiled as he took his leave of Lio and Cassia and let Zoe lead him away from the crowd toward her hiding place.

Cassia twined her arm in Lio’s. “A well-chosen gift.”

“I hope Ioustin agrees.”

“Stop worrying.”

Lio was about to steal a kiss from Cassia, when his Trial brothers’ auras drew near again.

If Mak had asked for word of his sister on Ioustin’s way in, he gave no sign and began to jest with a vengeance. “Ah, we remember what it was like, don’t we, Lyros?”

“Oh, yes.” Lyros nodded. “That feeling that comes over us when we find true love for the first time.”

Mak put a hand to his heart. “Suddenly we want to pair off everyone around us…arrange romantic vacations for the parents…”

“This from the newly Graced,” Lio said, laughing.
