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“Rosie!” I sprint after her, pressing my palm against her forehead. “You’re warm. Do I need to call a doctor, Tesoro?”

She shakes her head. “I’m fine. I’m sorry,” she begins to sob. “I didn’t mean to throw up on the floor.”

“I don’t care about that. I only want you to be okay.” I get a rag, wet it with cold water and then press it against the back of her neck. “I’ll clean up everything. Let’s get you back to bed.”

“No, no. I need…I need to tell you something and you’re going to be so angry at me.”

“What is it? I won’t be mad. I promise.” I rub her back, trying to soothe her.

She peers up at me with watery eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

I stop breathing, excitement overloading my system and I don’t remember to speak.

“I’ve known for a month,” she admits, sobbing again.

“An entire month? You’ve known? Have you gone to the doctor?”

She shakes her head. “I didn’t know how to tell you when I first found out. You were so distant and then everything got back on track. I wanted to surprise you. You have every right to be mad at me.”

I squat down to her level, keeping the rag on her neck. “Tesoro, I’m not mad. I’m a little sad, bummed? Maybe that’s a better word. Because you felt like you couldn’t tell me when you did know. That’s my fault. I’ve been so rough with you sexually lately. I wouldn’t have been if I—”

“—Don’t you dare stop doing that. My sex drive is crazy right now.”

“Your pregnancy explains a lot. I’ve been wondering what was going on with you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. At first, it was because I was home and trying to settle things with you. Then, I just---I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. We have the rest of your pregnancy together and that’s all I care about. I’m calling the doctor. I’m getting a room set up here as soon as possible for you to be examined. We need to make sure the baby is okay.”

“Oh god—” she throws up again, heaving contents into the toilet.

“God, Tesoro. You’re worrying me. This can’t be normal.”

“—What if something is wrong with him or her? What if I didn’t go soon enough?” She begins to cry so hard; she can’t breathe.

I undress, flip on the shower, then undress her. I make a note to not forget about the mess on the floor, gather her in my arms, and step into the cool spray. The water pulls her out of her panic, and she takes in deep breaths.

“You’re okay. The baby is okay. We’re okay,” I reassure her. “I love you and nothing will change that.” I’m not sure how long I stand there with her in my arms, but I place my cheek against her head and sway her back and forth.

When she’s calm, she’s nearly asleep again and I dry her off, then place her in bed again, pulling the blankets to her chin. With a kiss to her forehead, I turn and clean up the bathroom. When I’m done, I dispose of all the trash, then wash my hands, and climb into bed with her.

She’s lying flat on her back, and I scoot down, placing my head near her stomach and my hand on top of the tiniest bump I haven’t noticed.

“Hi, sweet baby. I’m your daddy. I can’t wait for you to get here. I already love you so much I’ll protect you and your mom with my life. I swear.” I kiss her stomach and close my eyes, feeling more at peace than I have in years.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I decided Ari was right. I didn’t want to get married at Bianchi’s.

So instead, we agreed upon a beautiful hotel with a ballroom I’ve only ever seen in movies. This hotel is for the wealthy. It’s beautiful. The ceiling has a classical painting on it with wistful clouds and angels, then the trim is painted in gold leaf. The floors are marble and there’s a large stain-glass window that has a kaleidoscope of colors sparking against the floor.

I’m not going to be able to enjoy the reception until after the ceremony though. I can’t wait to be in that ballroom again. When I first saw it, I knew that was where I wanted to celebrate. The ceremony itself was in another beautiful room with a view that goes on so long, you can see the entire city.

Ari’s city.

I stand in front of the mirror and frown, not because I think I look bad, but because I don’t. It’s because I’m alone.
