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“Your store is taken care of,” he says, picking up a dish that needs to be dusted, then he wrinkles his nose.

I blush at the filth. I’ve been meaning to clean more. That dish has been there for years. No one has bought it and it’s easy to forget that everything in this store needs to be cleaned besides the floors.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, your bills are caught up, medical bills are paid, your rent is paid, and your landlord knows you won’t be renewing your lease. All bills are taken care of.”

I have to catch myself on the counter in relief, shock, a bit of anger because I couldn’t do it myself, jealousy, but mostly relief.

“And if I say no? You take all of that back, right?”

He shakes his head. “No. Consider it your true opportunity to start over, but you and I both know you won’t get far with your family beside you. They are parasites sucking your energy dry; you and I know both know it.”

“Don’t talk about them like that. You don’t even know them. You have no idea what we have had to deal with, what we have gone through, and why we have ended up here. We weren’t born with money in our pockets like some people,” I spit the words at him, hoping he’d be insulted, but he isn’t.

He’s cool, calm, and collected. “And I realize how lucky I am, but that does not mean I haven’t had hardships.”

“Hardships that could have been taken care of with money.”

He hums, obviously in disagreement. “I’m going to give you a few more minutes to make up your mind. Then, I’m going to leave.”

“And the gem?” I ask again, wanting reassurance.

“What of it?” he huffs in annoyance. “I told you to fucking keep it. I don’t give a shit about the stone. Sleep with it at night for all I care. I’m sick of hearing about this gem.”

I stomp up to him and point my finger in his face. “Do not cuss at me. I’m allowed to ask questions and be confused and ask for reassurance. I’m allowed to repeat myself. I’m allowed to be freaking the hell out. You will not cuss at me.” I poke him in the chest.

He grips my wrist, tugging me close, and I thump against his chest. “Follow your own rule. I don’t want to hear another curse word from your mouth directed at me.”

“You deserve it,” I grumble. “Marching in here, taking over my life.”

“Saving your life,” he corrects me. “Saving it.”

“I’m not giving up the stone. Ever. Consider it a safety net.”

“You won’t need one. I’m your safety net.”

I swallow nerves, my entire body waking up to his nearness. The longer I stay in front of him, the more sexual tension builds. There’s chemistry here, a lot of it, and the way his eyes fall to my lips tell me if I don’t push him away now, I’ll do something stupid, like kiss him.

I have enough regrets added to my plate. I don’t need any more.

“Fine,” I relent, yanking my wrist from his hold. “Fine,” I repeat, giving into the only real option I have if I care about my life and my family.

An evil smile twists his lips. “Good girl, Tesoro. You’ve made the right choice.”

Then why do I feel like I’ve made the wrong one?

Who am I kidding? All the options I had were wrong.

Chapter Eight


I know she wants to keep the gem, that stupid fucking rock. I know the reason why she wants to hold onto it. It is worth a lot of money, and while she thinks that is what is keeping her safe, she’s wrong. It will be me protecting her. She’ll learn over time. She’ll see.

“Okay, well, I need to finish working for the day. Can we pick this up later? I’ll sign whatever documents you want, but I need to open the store again.”

I toss my head back and laugh, turning to look at Gianni, then Matias, and they begin laughing too. “You’re done here, Tesoro.”
