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“How long before you’re done?” he asks, not moving his hand away from the nurse.

“Just a few more minutes. I’m thinking, if you aren’t married—” her hand drifts down the middle of his chest, lower and lower until I have to take a step away.

I can’t watch.

If I wasn’t so difficult, if I wasn’t so complicated, and if I wasn’t so maddening maybe he’d be able to back away from her or admit he’s married. I was kidding myself to think this could turn out to be a dream marriage beneath the reality of our situation.

It hasn’t been that long since we made this agreement, and I thought maybe we’d have more time. More time to get to know one another.

That’s where my naivety kicks in. That’s where I know nothing about men because I’ve never been with a man. I’ve never been in love. And I have no idea how to act.

With stupidity burning my feet, I sprint down the hall back to the room. Careful for the door not to make a noise, I ease it shut.

My breaths come out fast and tears spill from my eyes. All the emotions I’ve kept in break free like a dam. It hurts. Why does it hurt so much? It feels like my heart is shattering or my soul is shredded. I run to the bed and bury my face in my pillow, clutching it to my chest while I cry.

Everything I’ve ever held in over the years while supporting everyone around bursts free. The complicated feelings I have for Ari rush with the current of the water. As much as it feels good to let it all out, roaring anger begins to bubble again, but it isn’t at the world this time.

It’s at me for allowing myself to be backed into a corner again and again. For never sticking up for myself. For never going after what I want and for always settling.

I roll out of bed and stuff my hand under the mattress, searching for the stone. Finally, I feel the edges of the stone and pull it free, lifting it into the air.

This is my opportunity. This is my chance.

This is my way out.

I run to the closet and look for some bags. There’s some luggage shoved in the very back and I snag one.

Fuck the contract.

It’s time to do something for myself.

Chapter Sixteen


I ripped my stitches when Rosie left the office. I shouldn’t have lost my temper. Now my healing time is going to take longer, and this nurse is too forward. I don’t want her touching me like this. It makes my skin crawl and my stomach roll with guilt as if I’m cheating on Rosie.

A woman who fucking hates me, but I’m loyal. I won’t fuck around on my wife.

The nurse’s hand slides down my chest, lower and lower until my anger gets the best of me, and I snatch her wrist, tossing it to the side.

“Do not touch me like that anymore,” I growl in warning. “You are here to stitch up my shoulder. Nothing more. Nothing less. I am married. I will not sleep with you. I want nothing to do with you. The only thing I want from you is to get the fuck out of my house and never come back.”

“Mr. Milazzo—” she begins, probably to give a lame excuse.

I hold up my hand to stop her. “Get out. I do not want you. I haven’t shown I want you. Your attempts are not wanted. I’m not sure how much more obvious I can be. Matias!” I bark for my brother and the nurse hurries to gather her belongings. The door swings open and Matias is standing there. “Escort her off the property, please. She’s banished and is not welcome to come back. If she tries—” I lock eyes with her as she lifts her bag onto her shoulder “—Proceed with deadly force.”

“You heard the man,” Matias says, snagging her by her arm and dragging her to the front door.

When she’s out of the room I hang my head, rolling it over my shoulders, then stretching it left and right, letting out a groan when it pops. That nurse was stressful and more inconvenient than this damn bullet wound in my shoulder.

“She’s gone, Ari,” Matias informs me, and I nod, rubbing my eyes.

“Thank you.”

“What was that all about? She seemed nice enough.”

“She kept throwing herself at me. It’s unprofessional. I don’t want her touch.” I rotate the wedding band on my finger, thinking about the one woman I do want and can’t seem to have.
