Page 100 of Malachi

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“I can’t.”

“Can you at least try?”

“I can’t.”

Staring out of the window, I waited for Anna’s parents to deliver the very special package. Aussie’s drop off had been postponed by a full hour, but I hadn’t left the spot I was in since the delay was acknowledged.

“They should pull up soon. Would you like a cup of lavender and chamomile tea to soothe the anxiety that’s brewing?”

Absolutely nothing ruffled my feathers, but I couldn’t get myself under control. The foreign emotions that surfaced at the thought of seeing her precious face and hearing her voice left me undone.

“No thanks. I think I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t know, baby. You look like you’re going to barf at any minute.”


“Yes. Come ’er.”

Malachi invited me closer, stretching his arms to accommodate me. I lowered my bottom onto his legs and rested my head on his chest.

“What’s the matter? Why are you so uptight? Hmm? I’ve never seen you this shaken.”

“What if she doesn’t like me?”

My concerns were valid and they were extremely fearful.

“Aussie is going to love you, Aeir. You’ve got yourself worked up for nothing.”

The sound of slamming doors stole our attention. I snapped back into reality. It was a shame how lost in Malachi I often was. This time, I didn’t have that luxury.

“She’s here.”

“Oh God, Malachi.”

“You want to come to the door and greet her?”

“No. I’ll stay here. Anna’s parents—”

“Would be ecstatic to meet you.”

“I’m sure. I’m just not ready to face my mo—meet them.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll be back in a few, okay?”


I stood up, allowing him to pass me by after grabbing my face and kissing the top of my forehead.

“Be right back.”

I ran over to the window where I had a clear view of everything going on in front of the house. Tearfully, I watched Anna’s mother hand off Aussie’s bag. The hollowness of her existence was evident in her eyes and every move she made. Closing my eyes, I searched for happier moments of her life, ones that included Anna and the life they shared.

Nothing surfaced, leaving me conflicted and unable to connect with the stranger outside. I waited patiently for Aussie’s small frame to appear, but hearing her voice in the distance suspended the mounting anticipation. Malachi already had her in his hands and they were already inside. I watched as Anna’s mother and father piled into their car and took off down the pathway.

“Close them. Close them. Close them.”

“Daddy, you’ve said it so much.”
