Page 103 of Malachi

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“Please,” he begged, lifting from the bed and waiting for me to erase the distance that kept us apart.

I wrapped him in my arms and laid his head on my chest.

“Worry me, baby.”

“She’s been hurting, too. She’s been hurting all along. I didn’t see it. I was so blinded by my own pain that I just didn’t see her, not fully. She needs you. I need you. We’ve both been drowning together. My head is finally above water.”

“Even if you go back under, I’ll save you again. You’re mine, now, Malachi. I’m willing to go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you and Aussie are okay. I need you, too. I need her, too. We all need each other and we have each other. Things only get better from this moment forward. It’s time to dry your eyes, Malachi.”

“God sent you straight from heaven, Aeir. I’m convinced.”

“I’m just happy He dropped me off right here and nowhere else. We’re making ice cream and then starting dinner early. Care to join us?”

“Yes. just give me a minute. I can’t let Aussie see me this way.”

“Take your time.”

I kissed his forehead, his lips, and the back of his hands before leaving him in the room alone to sort out his emotions before joining us in the kitchen. When I returned, Aussie was still filling the bucket with ice, much more than we’d need but I didn’t tell her that. I simply stood back and admired her independence. It was impressive for a two-year-old.

* * *

“And when Iwas one and a half, I fell on the rocks outside. Daddy kissed my booboo, but it didn’t help. It left this mark.”

Aussie explained the scar on her knee that almost every person in the world had. In my opinion, if you didn’t, it only meant your childhood sucked or was uneventful. Aussie had earned her stripe early and I was proud.

“Oh, that’s a big one.”

“Daddy said I’ll live.”

Cutting my eyes in Malachi’s direction, I chastised him silently. He shrugged, stuffing his mouth so he didn’t have to explain himself.

“What about this one?” I pointed to the one just above it.

“The rocks, again. I was one, too.”

“How do you remember these things?”

“She forgets nothing,” Malachi warned.

“Is that right?”

“That’s what Daddy says.”

It was obvious she admired her father. He was her entire world. The thought of one day having children who believed the same was refreshing.

“Daddy also says that it’s time for you to finish your dinner and get to bed.”

“He says so much,” she whispered, leaning forward and covering her mouth so that only I could hear her.

“What did I say about secrets, Aussie?”

“Mommy is different. Girls have secrets sometimes, Daddy. Boys can’t know all the things. Right?”

“Right,” I confirmed, ready to go toe to toe with Malachi if he disagreed.

Shaking his head, he decided against it. That was a very wise decision he’d made.

“How about we finish dinner and I give you a bath? Then we can get you dressed for bed and I’ll read you a story.”
