Page 109 of Malachi

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“The… the two wo—you love?”

His words left me struggling to put together words and complete thoughts.

“I love you, Aeir. Have you not realized it by now? I loved you from the moment you showed up in interview slacks, a suitcase, and sweaty armpits from nervousness. I loved you the moment you refused to take no for an answer and forced your way into my life. I loved you the first time you brought me dinner. I loved you every day after. But, it was the day that you accepted Aussie as your own that I loved you a little more. And watching you two over the last week or so, I’ve fallen a little more.”


“You don’t have to say it right now. In fact, you don’t ever have to say it with words. Your actions show me you love me. I’ve never thought any differently.”

“I do. I love you. With everything inside of me, I love you. So much, it hurts often times. So much, I want to tell anyone that passes me. So much, I can’t see myself anywhere else, with anyone else.”

“Good, because I’d hate to have to put a nigga six feet under if he ever tried it.”

“Malachi.” I chuckled. “Where’s Aussie?”

“She’s resting in the truck.”

“I’ll go grab her and take her home with me. That should give you plenty of time here.”

“I don’t need much time to tell my Anna the woman she chose will soon be my wife.”

Immobile, I froze in place, waiting for him to hint that he was just joking around or recant his statement.

“Are you going to see about our daughter or what, Aeir?”

“Yes. Yes, of course.”

I stood, rushing past him in pursuit of a sleeping Aussie. I didn’t make it very far before I felt his body surround mine, engulfing me in his love.

“I love you,” he whispered in my ear.

Closing my eyes, I digested his sentiments before sharing them.

“I love you more, Malachi.”

“I don’t doubt it. You’re just wired that way.”

He released me, allowing me to make my way up the hill where the truck was still running. When I opened the door, I found a sleeping Aussie, slouched in her car seat. I quickly unbuckled her and brought her to my truck, where I laid her across the seat and placed the seatbelt over her. It was dangerous to keep her out of her seat for such a lengthy drive, but I couldn’t stomach putting her in the car seat for her to experience more discomfort than she had already.

I peered down the hill, watching as Malachi took a seat on the blanket I’d left and dug into the basket. I was certain he’d chosen an apple, his favorite, to enjoy while spending time with his late wife. Not until I was certain he was alright did I pull off, heading home to begin dinner for us all.

I’ll be out late.

Malachi’s text came through as I pulled into the driveway, solidifying my plans for the evening. Dinner was no longer on the list of things to do. Closing my eyes, I rested my head on the steering wheel, focusing on easing my breathing and getting my emotions under control.

“Daddy will be back later, Aussie. Him is going to have a good time with Uncle Milo. It’s his birthday. We have to make sure we call him tomorrow and wish him a happy birthday. Okay?”

Making our way around the massive bedroom, Aussie and I made ourselves comfortable in Malachi’s absence.

“Aren’t you happy Daddy is going to have himself a good time tonight?”

I tickled Aussie’s cheeks.

“You and Mommy are going to get some rest.”

The sound of another text coming through pulled me from wherever I’d gone that quickly.

I meant everything I said, baby.
