Page 114 of Malachi

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“It’s okay, baby. Try not to forget that.”

“I won’t.”

I believed her wholeheartedly. She hardly forgot anything.

“What couch is she on?”

“In the TV room.”

She meant the living room. It was my first stop. True enough, Aeir was sprawled out on the couch with a pillow under her head and between her legs. Kneeling beside her, pushing her hair out of her face, I noticed her elevated temperature.

“What’s the matter, baby?”

“I don’t feel good, Malachi. I think I’ve been overworking myself, trying to get everything ready for Aussie and get the business ready for launch. I feel awful.”

“I’m going to get you a cold towel. You’re warm.”

“Am I?”

“Yes. Your forehead is hot. I’ll grab some ice, too. Just eat them for a little while, until your temperature is regulated.”


“Can I stay here with Mommy?” Aussie asked, concern dripping from her tone.

“Sure, baby. Come lay right here,” Aeir told her before I could deny her request.

She climbed on the couch and into Aeir’s arms. Side by side, they laid, staring back at me. Their resemblance was maddening. She truly belonged in Aeir’s arms.

I returned to find Aeir half-asleep. Her forehead was still warm. I laid the cool towel over it and shook the cup of ice to break it up a bit.

“Here, baby. I’m going to get dinner started. I need you to stay up and finish this ice for me to see if it’ll cool you down.”


“Can I help, Daddy?”

“Of course, baby. We’re going to make some really quick spaghetti, Aussie, so don’t expect too much. It’s a very simple dish.”

I’d already started the water and was certain it was boiling already. Cooking the mushrooms and veggies, boiling the noodles, and adding the pre-made sauce that we kept in the fridge with tomatoes from our farm was all that was left to do. Aussie was a girl who loved her pastas, so having sauce prepared on a weekly basis made life easier for both Aeir and I.

“Okay! I’ll be back, Mommy. I’ll be right back.”

She hopped down and leaned over to give Aeir a kiss on the lips. She rubbed the side of her face, making circles while looking into her eyes.

“You’re going to be better soon. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, baby. Go help make dinner for us. Mommy could use something on her stomach.”

“Alright. I’ll be right back.”

Forcing a smile, Aeir nodded in understanding.

Aussie grabbed my hand and began climbing my side like monkey bars. I hung on tightly, traveling to the kitchen before she’d made it up to my chest. I sat her on the counter and grabbed her stepping ladder from the pantry. She climbed down and onto the ladder and held her hands out to accept the sanitizer I squirted into the center. I cleaned up next and then finally poured the noodles into the boiling water with Aussie’s assistance.

Together, we seasoned the rest of the ingredients to our liking, stirring them constantly as they sizzled in the pot until we poured the sauce on top. When the noodles were finished, we drained them, added them to the mixture, and cut the stovetop off completely. I popped a bowl of spaghetti in the fridge for Aussie. It was too warm for her to dig in, yet.

“I’m going to check on Mommy.”
