Page 116 of Malachi

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“Feeling better?”

She nodded, a big yawn ripping through her face as she did so.

“You never told me how school went today. Did you enjoy your lesson?”


“Good. Get some sleep, my love. We do it all again tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Daddy.”

“Goodnight, Aussie.”

I shut off the light and let Aussie rest. She was feeling some type of way about Aeir’s sickness and I didn’t blame her. I was feeling some shit, too. Seeing her down was disturbing, and the realization that she might not feel better by morning was tapping dancing on my heart.

I busied myself by cleaning the kitchen and the dishes we’d used. Trashing my spaghetti was the only option at this point. My appetite had declined tremendously. Just as I began wiping down the dinner table, Aeir’s voice gripped my heart strings and began tugging.

“Please!” She begged, “Please don’t. Please don’t do this. Please. My daughter. Please.”

I took off for the living room, rounding the corner on one foot. From a very short distance, I watched her fight the empty space above her.

“No! No. Don’t do—”

As much as I wanted to interfere, I couldn’t. In my heart, I knew what she was experiencing and it wasn’t a dream. It was, in fact, a nightmare, one that held all the answers I needed possibly. Waking her would ruin my chances of new discoveries. She was the key to the mystery that drove me to the brink of insanity. I could feel it. I listened closely, waiting for any clues that would get me closer to finding Anna’s killer.

“Please. No. Aussie. Don’t do this in front of Auss—”

Gasping for air, her hands smacked the couch, assisting her as she lifted and tossed her legs over the edge. Though I couldn’t see the tears, her whimpers were evidence that they were plentiful.


Making my presence known, I beckoned for her attention.

“Are you okay?”

Nodding, she swiped the tears from her eyes.

“I will be. I just need to get in bed. I feel awful, Malachi.”

“Come on.”

I took her hand into mine and led us to the bedroom. The shower I’d planned to take had been rescheduled. I didn’t want to leave Aeir’s side, not only because she wasn’t feeling her best but because I refused to miss the opportunity of discovery.

Together, we climbed in bed. Aeir tucked her head between my neck and shoulder. It wasn’t until I wrapped my arms around her that I noticed her body was trembling. Pulling her closely, I prepared for a restless night.


I’d seenthe inside of the toilet bowl ten times in the last twenty-four hours. Nausea seemed to worsen by the hour. What I assumed was an upset stomach that would be better after a few hours turned into a sickness that I hadn’t been able to shake for three days.

“God,” I sighed, wiping my mouth and leaning my back against the cold tub. It made me feel so much better.

“All done?” Aussie’s little voice was like a hug.

“I hope so, baby.”

She never left my side. Over the last three days, she was the ultimate helper, making sure I wanted for nothing that she had access to. Whether it was an extra pillow, wet cloth, or a cup of ice, she was on it.

Our lessons had gone from the classroom to the bedroom, but we hadn’t slacked even a little. She was doing well, despite the circumstances. After four days, her assessment was almost over. The evaluation revealed that she was on a third-grade level in math, science, history and social studies.
