Page 125 of Malachi

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“Wake up, Isis.”

She slowly came to, the sound of my voice startling her. She began to sit up, trying to figure out what was happening around her.



“MAL—What the fuck? Baby? Baby.”

“She dead, nigga. She can’t hear you,” I confirmed.

I felt better already, witnessing him crumble as he shook the body of his lifeless wife.

“Payback a bitch, huh?”

“Isis. Wake up!”

I was instantly taken back to the night I found Anna on the floor, lifeless.

The silence of the room, aside from my daughter’s cries, were eerie, deafening even. It wasn’t until I reached the edge of the bed that my world completely ended and every ache I’d experienced began to make sense.

“Anna!” I groaned, despair consuming me wholly. “MY LOVE.”

Looking around the room, I searched for answers as I felt my body weakening.

“Anna! My love. Anna?” I called from afar, scared to close the distance completely.

Fuck. Anna. Baby. Baby. Wait. Anna!

Her perfectly sculpted body rested on the floor beside our bed. A single gunshot wound to the chest pierced her beautiful heart, spilling her love all over the floor. As much as I wanted to drop to my knees and beg and plead for her to wake up, for her to stop pretending, for her to open her eyes, I couldn’t. Paralyzed with incurable pain, I remained still as Aussie’s cries grew louder and louder.

My chest imploded. My heart shrunk, shriveled, and flatlined a thousand times as tears cascaded down my cheeks. This wasn’t a sick joke or a dream. My worst nightmare had come to haunt me. I’d seen that crimson shit that stained her silk white gown far too many times to fool myself into believing that life was still inside of her.

She was gone. My sweet Anna was gone. She’d done what she’d promised to never do—leave me. And not for a little while. Forever.

My vibrating phone chipped away at my paralysis. The numbness began to retreat. Makai’s name popped up on the screen. Needing to feel his presence in my world, I didn’t hesitate to answer the phone. The sound of wind whistling in the background confirmed he was no longer inside of the club.

“You good, bro? I saw your text and something didn’t sit we—”

“Som-somebody k— Somebody killed Anna.”

It had taken two years, but I’d finally caught up to that somebody. Their identity left me gutted, but it had my trigger finger itching. The trance I’d been in for those two years, I snapped out in a moment’s time. Just like that, I could see clearly and my heart was no longer heavy. I breathed better, fresher oxygen. I didn’t feel like I was traveling down one dark road. There was light. There was life.

“Malachi, man. What the fuck, bro?”

“You’re no brother of mine. Your name isn’t Milo. It isn’t Makai. It isn’t Mercer. It isn’t Chem. You have too much bitch in your blood to ever be a brother of mine. Without me, you wouldn’t be shit. I brought you into the game. I put money in your pocket. I taught you the trade. I taught you how to hustle, but nigga, you were never a hustler. Everything you have was handed to you and I’m the fucking fool that handed it to you. My repayment? Killing my wife?”

“I… It—”

“In front of our daughter.”

My patience had worn thin. I had none for the nigga in front of me.

“Everything I gave, I’m getting back. See you in hell, bitch.”

I emptied the clip into his head, reloaded and emptied the second clip into his chest, hoping he died twice. I pulled the mask over my face, again, making my way through the house and toward the front door where I’d entered.

The sound of small whimpers made me backtrack, following the sniffling until I located the source. A small child, no more than seven months in age, clung to the bars of her crib. The pink and white nursery was designed beautifully with large, wooden letters hanging above the crib.
