Page 137 of Malachi

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“I am.”

“You guys ready to go inside and clean up? Dinner should be ready.”

“Ready. Ready. Ready. Ready,” Aussie sung, switching from side to side.

“Come on.”

Malachi pulled her into his arms and headed out of the door. I took one last look at Aussie’s poor plants, desperately wanting to help them out. Deciding against a week full of attitude from my toddler, I left them where they were. If she was going to learn, it was necessary for her to at least try. Eventually, she’d succeed.

We all cleaned up, settling at the table and digging into the colorful meal that Chef Liz prepared. As everyone stuffed their faces, I couldn’t help but think about how many times I’d prayed for moments like this one. God had been so gracious in lending me the family Malachi and I shared. Anna had been so selfless sharing with me a precious piece of her that was vital to Malachi’s core. We had an angel watching over us, and though she’d finally taken her rest, there were small signs I noticed daily that showed me she was still with us.

I love you,Malachi mouthed, placing a hand on his chest.To the moon and back.

I love you, too.I mouthed.Every day.

* * *

Aussie was downfor the night while Maz was down for another nap. With the baby monitor strapped to my side, I hopped down the steps one at a time. My olive slacks and cream top had been traded in for a pair of leggings and a shirt that matched.

At the very bottom, I set my eyes on the padded walls, target sheets, and ten-foot floor mat that stretched the length of the training facility Malachi had built in our new home. My adrenaline spiked. Each night, for a minimum of thirty minutes, we got down to business.

“I hope you’re ready,” he called over the intercom.

Immediately, I began to look around, searching for the sound of his voice; not over the intercom, but in the room. With caution, I took a step forward. Out of nowhere, I felt his hands around my neck, squeezing without remorse.

Both our bodies fell to the floor. He remained locked in, unrelenting and making me regret not paying closer attention to my surroundings.

“Pay attention, Aeir. Always pay attention to your surroundings. Never lead with your eyes, lead with your mind,” he preached, still squeezing.

“If I was anyone else, I could snap your neck, baby. Pay a-fucking-ttention,” he grunted before letting go.

Gasping for air, I crawled around the floor. I held my chest, finding it hard to settle my raging heart.


“Get up. No one cares you can’t catch your breath. Get up.”

“I wasn’t ready.”

“Then you shouldn’t have come down. The minute you dot the door, it’s fair game. You know this. I don’t want to hear the excuses. Let’s go, Aeir.”

“Malachi, please. God, you almost killed me.”

“That’s the point of these exercises.”

“Can I just shoot?”

“A gun won’t always be within reach.”

“Mine is.”

“Aeir. That’s beside the point.”

“Can we work on target practice tonight?”

“No. Body trauma. That’s your weakness. Physical contact. You can shoot a specific passenger on a moving train. I’m not worried about your aim. I’m still trying to see if you were a marksman in your past life. What I want to see from you is a fight. You haven’t convinced me you can handle physical contact yet. Thirty minutes, Aeir, and you’re done. You can shower and go to bed, but give me thirty minutes.”

Sighing, I stood to my feet and placed my fist in front of me.

“I promise I’ll make it all worth it tonight.”

That was the one thing I loved about strength training with Malachi. He rewarded me in bed. With that in mind, I tucked my reservations deep down in my shoe and prepared to put in work.

The end.
