Page 66 of Malachi

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Two weeks felt like two eternities plus two months. That was how long I’d gone without interacting with Aeir, not even to say hello. We’d both developed a routine and respected each other’s space in the process. When out in the yard, she remained inside. It wasn’t until she knew my day had ended that she made her way through the garden, to the chicken coop, or into the fields for the ingredients she’d need for meals.

She was an amazing cook. There hadn’t been one plate she’d sat on the porch in those two weeks that I hadn’t devoured. Aeir was keeping my stomach full and my dick hard. Even the thought of her made it swell in my pants. I hated her for that and I hated myself for reacting that way.

I turned up the bottle to finish the liquor that was left. It was my second bottle of the week and I was ready to crack open the next one. Drinking until I couldn’t think was the only way to cope with it all.

Five minutes passed before I stood to my feet. Instantly, I fell back onto the rocker. The room spun viciously until I closed my eyes. Before I was able to reopen them, Anna appeared. Her golden skin and perfect figure left me with a smile.

“Anna,” I called out to her, reaching for her hand.

“I’m here, Malachi,” she responded, taking my hand into hers before bringing it up to her lips.

“I can’t feel you,” I admitted, feeling weighted and pathetic.

“You will when you let me in.”

“But you’re not here.”

“I am. I’ll never abandon you, love. Just don’t abandon yourself. Snap out of it, Malachi. Wake up, my love.”

She faded into black. I opened my eyes to find a still room. This time, after I stood, I managed to make my way to the door where dinner was waiting. I opened the door and grabbed the plate from the small table she’d moved near the door. Beside it was freshly squeezed lemonade, a small note, and a clear container that held a piece of chocolate cake.

Once back inside, I set everything on the table and read one of the many notes she’d left along with the food. Each time, they were simple and straight to the point. This time, her note was notably longer, forcing me into my seat as I began to read it.

Dear Malachi,

I miss you deeply. The feeling of your skin against mine, your hands on my body, your presence in my world. I miss you, wholly. Don’t stay gone too long.

I’ve been dreaming of you. As often as I can, I’ve been going there—to my dreams. My bedtime was moved up an hour and I try my hardest to stay in bed longer just to see your face when you were genuinely happy and hear when your heart actually beat. It’s the best view a woman could ever have. That man looks nothing like the man I know today.

But I’d like to meet him. I’d like to share dinner with him and laugh until our cheeks are sore. I’d like to walk the land with him, show him my favorite animals and my favorite foods. I’d like to sit and talk to him for hours. I’d like to hold his hand and wash the parts of his back that he can’t reach. I’d like to restore his faith and repair his heart. I’d like that…

For now, I’ll wait. I’ll wait until he’s ready and I’ll wait until he’s able because my love is as patient as I am. It has no limits and it has no rules. It’s unconditional and it’s endless and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Whenever you’re ready, Malachi.

P.S. It’s your grandfather’s birthday. Please don’t let the opportunity to reach out to him pass you by. He misses you.


Questioninghow she knew he existed or when his birthday was was pointless. I crumbled the note and tossed it in the trash before sitting down at the table to eat alone. Staring at the empty seat across from me, I tried reasoning with myself by making pitiful excuses for why she wasn’t there.

She was stubborn. I’d told her to take her ass home and to take that explosive between her legs with her but she didn’t listen. She was still here, still tormenting me, still torturing me to no end. But, as fucked up as it was, there was no place else I’d rather she be. Conflicted, I wanted nothing and everything to do with her at once. She left me dazed, baffled, and drunk out of my fucking mind.

Her persistence was weighing on me heavily. Each letter etched away a bit more of the pain. Each dinner plate made me think twice about the way I’d been treating her. Every time I saw her out in the field, it made me want to join her, rip off those dresses she liked to wear, and fuck her right where she stood. I just couldn’t. The room she required, I didn’t have to give. My heart belonged to someone already. It died along with her.

So why does she make me feel alive again?The question haunted me as I skipped grace and dug into the squash she’d prepared.

* * *

I was surprisedto wake up and find Anna’s truck missing from the carport. It meant that Aeir had returned to the city to do more shopping. It was only the second time in two weeks, the first time being after the rainy night our bodies had endured together. I watched her drag a large white box with a large computer screen on the front of it in one hand and a small one to match in the other.

I knew my card had taken a small hit with those purchases, but her pussy was worth twelve of the big boxes and an additional thirty of the small ones. If she had come with a trunk full of electronics, I wouldn’t have been upset. It was the least I could do for the trouble I’d been bringing her way and the pussy she provided as a truce.

Her absence made the hairs on my arms stand at attention. Though we weren’t speaking and I’d been avoiding her at all costs, it didn’t stop me from worrying about her. This wasn’t her city and she’d hardly explored it at all. I was on pins and needles, waiting for her, but I kept myself busy in an attempt to free my mind. She had me in a fucking chokehold.

I cleared the eggs from the nesting cubbies for the chickens, thinking about my baby as I did so. It was Aussie’s favorite task, and one she did without being reminded or asked. The chickens were her favorite on the farm, but that was partially because she was addicted to boiled eggs and could eat at least four of them a day. Her bathroom breaks were rotten, which was part of the reason I’d taught her how to clean her own bottom over the last few months.

After collecting the eggs, I shoved the waste from their coop. It was important to keep everyone’s habitats clean and free of debris. My next stop was the goat’s pin. I wrestled them into their stalls and loaded them with empty buckets. It had been days since I’d milked them.
