Page 69 of Malachi

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I was waiting for him to tell me I was bat shit or losing every ounce of sanity I had. Hell, I was waiting on him to call Milo and tell him to get over to my house or the rest of the guys for an intervention. Instead, he tilted his head with a nod.


“The moment I heard her voice on the phone, I ended the call. I thought I was hearing shit. Ya know? Like, hearing Anna’s voice, though I didn’t hear Anna’s voice?”

“I know what you mean.”

“After I ended the call, I wanted to hear her again, immediately. I invited her here for an interview. She showed up here and hasn’t left. The first night, she made dinner and sat to eat with me. I haven’t been in a woman’s company in two years, Pops. She never made it out of the kitchen. Before I knew it, her back was flat against the table and I was digging her out. Immediately after, I regretted my actions and sent her on her way.”

“Wait, she gives herself to you on the first night of meeting you and you treat her like she wasn’t shit?” He grimaced.

“I’m still kicking my ass for it, but I can’t change it now.”

“Aight, I’m listening.”

“After that, I avoided her on the land as much as I could. I failed miserably. She gets to telling me shit, though, getting in my head. Telling me things she’s seeing and hearing and envisioning. Things pertaining to Anna and I. She knew my name before I even told her my name.”

“Was that before or af—”

“Before. Guess what she called me, Pops.”


“Mal. Fucked me all the way up.”

“She called you Mal?” His eyes widened as it began to sink in.

“She knew I had a daughter before I even told her. She knows shit that not even the fam knows. Secrets Anna and I kept.”

“Like what, Malachi?”

“High blood pressure. I’ve had it for a while and didn’t want to worry any of you with it because I’ve got it under control.”

“She seasons her food just like Anna, making sure I’m straight and nothing is going to run it up. She’s a vegetarian. Before her accident, she loved meat. Also, she doesn’t use profanity. You should hear how calm and collected she is while I’m losing it. She doesn’t fold. She doesn’t flinch. And she’s stubborn. I’ve told her to pack her shit more than once, yet she’s still here.”

“You’re blowing the poor girl’s back out. You expect her to leave?”

“Pops,” I groaned.

“What? I’m serious. I’m sure that table wasn’t the last place you—”

“It wasn’t but that’s besides the point. She asked if I believed in reincarnation. Today, when she got out of Anna’s truck, I fell flat on my ass. She’d cut her hair above her shoulders. I swear God was playing tricks on a nigga when she got out. She looked just like my Anna. At that moment, it was imperative I called someone so I could find out if I sounded like a damn fool.”

“You don’t.”

“You believe this? This makes sense to you?”

“Perfect sense, son. To survive on this earth here, you have to be willing to believe the unbelievable.”

“Pops, but ain’t no way. She feels like Anna chose her to heal the pain her death caused. Repair me. Make me better. And love me as Anna would. I just… I don’t know.”

“Have you met Anna?” he tittered. “I don’t put it past that woman. You think she was going to leave you alone here on earth to live in misery for the rest of your life? Nah, son. She loved you too much for that. She had to make sure you were alright, and what better way than to give someone what she knew you needed most.”

“So, you don’t think this is all bullshit?”

“You don’t either.” He paused. “You just wish it were because it’s easier for you to continue drowning than to swim again. Don’t let her efforts go to waste. Don’t let that woman get away. I don’t know her, but if Anna chose her, I don’t need to know her. That’s good enough for me. I approve.”

“Pops, reincarnation? That shit just doesn’t happen.”
