Page 94 of Malachi

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One foot in front of the other, I rushed through the yard in only a tee shirt and briefs. My feet didn’t stop tapping the ground until I was in front of the black Nissan, gun drawn and eyes searching the vehicle.

“Who are you and what the fuck do you want?” I yelled, aiming at the driver and the passenger seated in the back.

Both of their hands were in the air. I stepped closer, pulling the handle in the back where the passenger was trying to get my attention. I didn’t recognize the face, so I kept my gun trained and my eyes on both people.

“Well, good morning to you, too,” the passenger spoke sarcastically.

“This is private property. I suggest you leave while you still have the chance.”

“Whew, chile. I told Aeir you were a fucking Grinch.”

“Who are you? How the fuck do you know her?”

“I’m Jae. I take it as you’re the grumpy old man, Malachi.”

“She told you that?”

I lowered my weapon and waited for a response. I wasn’t exactly sure what Aeir had told her family and friends about me, but that stung a bit.

“No. That’s what I told myself. Now, where is my girl?”

“She’s not expecting you.”

“So?” she sassed. “That’s why it’s called a surprise.”


“Yes. What type of friend would I be to not come visit so that I can meet this man that my friend has found it difficult to function without after only six weeks? One minute, she’s sounding like she wants to cry on the phone because you’re mean and uncompromising. The next, she can hardly catch her breath as she explains how she’s feeling about you. I needed to lay eyes on you so I’ll know how to describe you to the police if anything ever happened.”

She shoved her phone in my face and snapped a quick picture. The shutter sounded, causing me to shake my head. She was serious. Aeir had spared a few details when describing Jae. Her heart was pure, that much was obvious, but the two seemed to be polar opposites.

“Nothing is going to happen to her. Not on my watch.”

“Well, only time will tell. Now, where is she?”

“Over there, sleeping.”

“Over where?”

“On the other side of the greenhouse.”


“Yes. Right this way.”

She followed my lead, sure to complain along the way. For anyone who didn’t understand a nature-focused environment, I always expected it. All others understood.

“Jesus, what type of Wild Wild West shenanigans do you two have going on?” She laughed, making her way through the grass.

I remained silent, digesting her personality and giving her space to be who she was entirely. When we reached the net, Jae crept inside and removed her shoes. She placed her purse on one of the blankets that had fallen onto the ground and climbed in bed with Aeir.

The adoration she displayed, watching her friend sleep, was unmatched. Her hand rested on Aeir’s head, swiping downward in the direction of her strands. Just like that, they stayed for a while, until finally, Aeir began to stir in her sleep.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty,” Jae said softly. “Wake up.”


Without opening her eyes, Aeir recognized her friend’s voice and felt her presence.
