Page 108 of Falling For The Boss

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While Randall flipped switches and jotted notes, I became lost in the obsessive wonderment of how that lady poured herself into those pants…

At my lack of restraint—obviously brought on by lack of sleep and stress—I pitched off my headset and growled.

Randall laughed. “As I said, your poor family has a ton of work with you.” He nodded at the lady now using the tug to back the jet into the hangar. “Or maybe she can be of assistance to forget about Hannah.”

Having the same friend for sixteen years meant we learned each other’s quirks. Didn’t mean I had to acknowledge his unwelcomed suggestion.

I yanked the handle on the cockpit’s door. It didn’t budge.

“Um, it swings toward the lounge.” Randall laughed as I threw open the door and stormed out. “Love ya, buddy. You’ll get over it.”

I wonder if he’d get over me slamming the door in his face. “Mark my word, I’m finding a new best friend.”

Chapter Two

Lanie Sterling

Our airport had never received a private aircraft this size. It took all my concentration to stay focused on guiding this beauty into the bay. All I wanted to do was admire the slick lines and twin engines. Sure, I saw plenty of these impressive jets during my previous employment as a commercial airline pilot, but that didn’t make me immune to drooling. Owning an aircraft like this was a dream of mine.

I parked the jet and chocked the wheels. Immediately, a man in a well-fitted suit opened the door, which also folded down the stairs. He hoisted a satchel over his shoulder and nimbly strode down the steps.

No small feat considering the guy was the size of a Grizzly bear.

I snatched the cones from the tug’s seat and tucked them into my hip holsters, like a pair of western guns.

“Welcome to Pleasant Valley Airport.” I didn’t offer my hand. According to the pilot’s flight plan listed with us, the jet arrived from New York City—the land of wealth and turned-up noses. Along with seeing these expensive jets, I also had the experience of fighting off grabby hands of the elite owners inside the VIP airport bars. From the looks of this guy’s expensive suit—the tailor must’ve measured his biceps to make it fit so well—this dude must be a powerful snit.

“I assume you’re the owner?” He nodded. Ha. Had him pegged right.

Since he didn’t introduce himself, I took offense and followed his lead. He may be swoon-worthy handsome, but two could play the aloof game. “There’s paperwork in the office to sign for your rental cars.”

“We’ll take care of that while you take care of our luggage.” He pointed to an area to the right of the stairs. “There’s a cargo hold over there.”

Where did this dude get off thinking I was his gofer? Money and power, that was how. Except, he was a customer. A high-paying one. Dad would warn me to play nice with deep-pocket-guy.

I smirked while waving toward a wheeled cart. “This isn’t LaGuardia. Take care of your own luggage.”

Normally I’d hang around, watching his shocked face, but I had better things to do. I strutted toward a side door, just as fashionable as any runway model, except I wore Ugg boots instead of heels.

From behind me another voice said, “Your eyes are bugging out.” That comment came from up in the jet.

I acted like I didn’t hear while I studied the scene of Mr. Snit, and who I assumed was the pilot, in the reflection in the door’s glass.

Another burly man stood inside the plane’s exit. A huge grin split his face in two. “I think you like her.”

I bit my upper lip to stop my own grin before stepping outside. Wouldn’t look professional to be caught eavesdropping. Before the door closed, the wealthy dude huffed out, “I’d like to get home as soon as possible. Hurry up.”

All powerful men were the same—full of themselves. I was still shaking my head when I entered the office. “Your rich bird has landed.”

Dad looked up from the computer screen and lifted a pair of glasses to the top of his bald head. “Well, hello to you, Lanie girl. And he’s not my rich bird, but I’ll take his dollars any day.”

“Money, his only saving grace.”

Dad bent his arm, setting his elbow on the desk and cupping his chin while watching me. I knew that habit. He detected a deeper story behind my words. “You gained this introspect in what…” He checked his watch. “All of five minutes?”

“Yeah, well. Don’t forget my track record with powerful men.” That shut down Dad’s interrogation. He’d never say or do anything that might cause his daughter to rehash her past regrets. I dumped the navigation cones into a basket and opened the door into the hallway. “I told them to come in here.”

“You’re not sticking around to talk shop with the pilot?”

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