Page 124 of Falling For The Boss

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Yeah, I said kitten heels. I’d finally given up on real heels because I liked my body parts not bruised or broken. The last time I’d tried them, I’d fallen off the bus stairs—yeah, again. I know, it’s a shame. But I’d been in a rush to get to work on time. Thankfully, May had helped clean me up when I got inside. I looked like the victim of a bicycle accident or something.

I was a disgrace to women everywhere, but clumsy+heels = sudden death. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. Flats were beat, but the kitten heels seemed to be working out in my favor for now.

Smiling at myself, I walked toward the front of the office floor. I pulled the floor's opaque doors open and came to a sudden stop. There was a gentleman standing at the desk with the biggest vase of multi-colored daisies I’d ever seen. It was gigantic.

Holy bananas.

“Ella, these are for you.” Crystal grinned.

“Wow. Thank you. Do I need to sign for them?”

“No, ma’am, I just need to hand them off to you.” He eyed me. “Can you carry this or would you like help?”

I looked at the vase and flowers. “Thank you, I can manage; it’s not a long walk.” Or I’d try at least. If I needed help with flowers—I’m sure these jokers would never let me live it down.

He handed them over, and I leaned in to smell them. This was a rainbow bouquet of daisies all for me. Gah. I gave Crystal a sly grin before walking to the doors. I used my butt to push the doors open and took the walk back to my desk slowly. I didn’t want to trip or stumble. The last thing I wanted to do was drop the magnificent beauty in my arms. And then fall in wet glass. No emergency room visits this week, please.

I heard a few whispers following my walk back to my office. May met me outside of my door, folders in her arms.

“Well now, that’s what I call a bouquet of flowers.”

“Right?” I laughed slightly. “It’s almost as big as I am.”

She opened my door and followed me in. I set the vase on the low filing cabinet next to the wall of windows, the hard wood shining with the sun kissing it. This put the daisies eye-level with me now. With the sun shining down on them—it was picturesque.

I snagged the yellow envelope sticking up. Reading the note inside made my heart melt into a puddle of goo.

Today I give you the rainbow; tomorrow, the moon and stars await.

Love, M

Tears pricked at my eyes. It’s not something I expected to happen, but over the last six months, working side by side with Malcolm, things started to change. I know when he’s close, it’s like I can feel him. The scent of his cologne, God, there’s nothing sexier than a good-smelling man. His voice just sets off a fire deep inside of me.

There had been nothing more than flirting—until a few weeks ago. His lips had met mine, and I was truly a goner. He’d also had his driver, Carl, take me home since we were getting out so much later than normal. I could see the look on his face as we hit the rougher side of town. I was used to this. It was a ‘keep your head down, but make sure you’re watching out for trouble’ area of town.

Waking up every morning since, knowing that Carl would be outside waiting to bring me into the office, was nice. I can’t lie; it’s a relief to not have to chase down a bus. Or dodge creepy people with questionable hygiene and morals.

I felt a little like Cinderella every morning and in the evening when he would bring me home. I looked at it like Carl was my fairy godfather, except his car didn’t turn to a pumpkin at midnight.

“He’s a good man,” May said, giving me a one armed hug, bringing me back to the here and now.

“He is…but…”

“But what?” she asked, stepping back.

“I don’t know. Won’t people talk?” That was one of my biggest fears, which was probably holding me back from being more expressive with him. Especially here, at work.

“Listen, no matter what happens, people talk. That’s how this works. Office romances happen. Gossip happens. You hold your head up and don’t worry about what other people think. Ya hear me? As long as this is something you want, you go for it. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my grandson. I think you’re a great woman. I see him with you, and I know he’s happy. You bring out something in him I’ve never seen. You just make sure he treats you right as you explore this chance. If he does anything stupid though, you let me know.”

“May, yer not trying to scare my girl, are ye?”

My heart started to thunder inside my chest at the sound of his voice. His girl? Was I his? The kiss, the romantic dinners, the car rides, and now the flowers. Well, they would certainly say yes. Yes, I was his girl. I liked the way that sounded.

“Of course not. Just giving her a little advice.” She kissed his cheek when he came over, her eyes twinkling with humor. “I’ll be in the conference room with your father and the board members; come in when you’re ready. I’ll tell them you’ll be right in.”

“Aye, thank you, Gran.” He gave her a little squeeze before she left us.

I turned to face him, my cheeks heating with a blush. “These are gorgeous. Thank you.”

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