Page 139 of Falling For The Boss

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Three flights of steps later, and slightly winded, I said. “I didn’t know there was an upstairs.”

“Most people don’t. I just happen to know the owner.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I teased. Even though I selected every place we met, many times, he ended up knowing someone there who treated us like royalty. I couldn’t even imagine how amazing a night with him would be if he were in charge of making plans.

Jonathan opened the thick door and held it open for me.

My breath hitched as I took in my surroundings. Cobblestones covered the entire perimeter, and tall, potted plants filled the rooftop with colorful flowers. Old-fashioned street lights lit the space, giving the feeling you were dining in a small park. There were only four tables. Beautiful. Intimate. Romantic.


“I’m glad you approve.”

“How could I not?”

He pulled a chair out for me. “Up here, they only do a chef’s tasting menu and wine paring. I know you like wine.” He winked. “But the food can be a bit unusual. Are you a picky eater?”

“Not in the slightest. I’ll try anything once. And the only food I refuse to eat is grape jelly, because yuck.”

“Grape jelly, huh? Interesting. I guess I shouldn’t tell you when I was a kid, I’d only eat eggs if my mom scrambled them and put grape jelly on top.”

“Ew. Really?”

“Yup. I don’t think I’d be able to swallow it now, but I swear, when I was six, it was the bomb.”

“I’m glad young Jonathan’s palette has improved with age.”

“Well, since you only have one banned item from your diet, I think you’ll be safe here, which is good because I’m starving.”

Yeah, me too. But not for food.

After a lot of laughs, flirty conversation, and an incredible meal, I glanced at my watch.


We’ve been here over three hours? It feels like I just got here.

I leaned towards him. “Should I be worried about the future of Capital Brands?”

Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “Do you know something I don’t?”

I smirked. “I probably know a lot that you don’t.”

His eyes met mine. “No doubt.”

I forced myself to glance away. I could feel danger staring into those stormy eyes. “It’s just that this is the first time we, err… Bumped into each other where you didn’t have to dash off to make a pressing phone call overseas or something equally as important.”

He smiled. “I know. I made sure to clear my calendar.”

Can you give me something else, buddy? Like why?

He put his index finger beneath my chin. “Wow, I can see the wheels spinning in there.”

“You know me… Always thinking.”

Of him pulling me close. His fingertips exploring my body while his lips brushed against the base of my neck before he—

He cleared his throat. “I hope you’re not thinking about work.”
