Page 171 of Falling For The Boss

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Rex lets out a heavy sigh but nods his little head in acceptance. As I rise from the bed, he whispers, “One day, I will have Lucky Charms for breakfast.”

I smile to myself, knowing that one day, I will make it happen. But for now, we are adjusting to the new rules that go with managing diabetes.

I scratch the back of my head and open the bedroom door. The delicious aroma of bacon instantly makes my mouth water. Little Rex rushes past me and into the dining room.

The cold tiles on my feet give off a sharp sensation, almost as if each step is an icy shock that electrifies me to wake up more, but when I round the corner, the rest of my body becomes fully alert.

Dalton stands at the stove, spatula in hand, dressed in a tight tank top, boxer shorts, and bare feet. Wow. I knew he worked out but didn’t know what he was hiding under that suit. Sweet mercy, indeed.

I’m frozen but need to retreat and get out of my PJs. But with Rex’s speed, zooming toward Dalton, I’m caught.

Dalton grins at Rex, and his head lifts to face me. “I see I’m not the only early riser in this household.”

My stomach leaps like a lunatic clown skipping in the mall with no shame. Stop it. Stop fluttering and hoping for more with Dalton. It can’t happen.

He smiles as if he knows what I’m thinking and expertly flips an omelet onto a second plate. “I hope you like eggs.” He says warmly.

“Sure.” I try not to blush.

I take in his disheveled hair and his eyes that glimmer mischievously at me as he slides a plate my way with a flourish. His smile widens as if a private joke is shared only between us. One that Rex cannot find out. Mommy kissed her boss last night. And more than once.

I keep my distance, take the plate from the counter's edge, and sit at the dining table. Rex looks between us curiously and then back to a plastic kiddie plate piled high with fresh fruits, bacon, and an omelet.

“Yes, buddy. That one is for you.” Dalton hands it out to him.

Rex glances between us again before taking the offering. “Tank you. Tank you. This is way better than Lucky Charms.”

“Better for you too.” Dalton winks at me.

All my insides go to mush. Why does Dalton have to be so great with my son? This is torture.

Delicious torture. Dalton approaches with his breakfast, looking like a walking dessert. His white singlet is thin enough to reveal his toned muscles. He pauses a second and grins down at me.

Oh, I’m staring.

He pulls out a chair and joins us at the table. “How are your eggs?”

I blink and stare at my fork with a piece of omelet hanging. When did I do that? Dalton has me under a love spell, which I must break.

I shove the eggs into my mouth, nod, and hum at the same time. “Mmm.” I give him the thumbs up.

Dalton laughs and digs into his food. “I’m glad you like it. I enjoy cooking when I’m on vacation.”

I swallow and touch the corner of my mouth. “When I’m on vacation, that’s the last thing I want to do.”

He slides his arm across the table, and his thumb brushes the back of my hand. “I believe you.” Dalton looks at Rex, then retracts his arm. “Last day here. Our fake island romance is about to be over.”

I twist my head awkwardly, not sure what he means by that. I try to focus on my plate, but it’s all blurry. So I was right. This is just something Dalton does—kisses women, but there’s no commitment. Well, that works for me. A single mom can’t seriously get involved with a billionaire like Dalton.


But how will I work with him come Monday like this weekend meant nothing to me?


I step out after breakfast and try to avoid immediately returning to work mode. This weekend has been everything I needed. Sunshine. Ocean. Pam and Rex. I can’t get the dynamic duo out of my thoughts.

I head down the steps and make my way to the beach. Ocean waves crash over my feet as my phone chirps Mother’s ringtone. I consider not answering, but I know better than to let things like this stew over time. Better to respond now and get it over with.
