Page 233 of Falling For The Boss

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"I feel the same way about you," she replied, causing him to smile.

"After my morning meeting, can we go grab some lunch from Glenn's Kitchen and finish going over the last-minute plans for the party? I want to finalize everything today, so the entertainment is the only thing left to do," Zane suggested as he walked toward his office door.

"Sounds like a plan! I'll get everything organized and be ready when you are," Nivea replied, causing Zane to look over his shoulder and smile.

"I should be done by noon, " he added as he opened the door to his office.

"Ok," she said just before he entered his office and shut the door behind him.

The moment the door closed; Nivea felt all the air rush out of her body as she clasped back in her seat. In all the years she had worked for Zane, he had never touched her or wanted to take her out for lunch. Normally, she would make reservations for him and his friends for lunch, and she would eat something at her desk while working.

Shaking her head, "Nivea, it’s just lunch! Nothing more or less," she mumbled as she started getting everything ready for the lunch meeting.

Chapter Two

"Are you going to keep daydreaming or get some work done?" Damien Anderson joked, causing Zane to turn around as he stood at the window in his office.

"I see you got jokes," Zane replied as Damien sat down in front of Zane's desk in one of the black leather chairs.

Zane and Damien had been best friends since elementary school, and their love for music sealed their bond as brothers also.

"Hey, it's my job as your best friend to keep you on your toes, " Damien replied, causing Zane to chuckle.

"If you say so! How is the planning going on the upcoming tour schedules and Faith's release party?" Zane asked as he returned to his black leather office chair.

"Everything is complete and on schedule. I've finalized all the arrangements for the tours with the venues and vendors, and Faith's release party this weekend is set in stone and it's going to be a big night for her and the label," Damien said as he leaned back in his seat.

"That's good to hear, and you're right about it being a big night. Not only are we launching her third album, but if everything goes right, she could be looking at another double platinum album." Zane added as he leaned back in his seat.

"Speaking of Faith, when are you going to make it clear to her that she doesn't stand a chance with you?" Damien asked, causing Zane to frown.

"What are you talking about?" Zane asked as he leaned forward and placed his arms on his desk.

"Come on, Zane! You must know Faith has feelings for you! She walks around like a queen bee because she thinks something could happen between you two," Damien replied, causing Zane to frown.

"I'm not interested in faith in any way, shape, or form. You know I don't mix business with pleasure, " Zane said.

"I guess she didn't get the memo, and you may need to talk to her. Now that you've cleared that up, what about Nivea?" Damien asked, causing Zane to frown once again.

"When are you going to admit your feelings for her?" Damien asked, causing Zane's breath to hitch ever so slightly.

Taking a deep breath, "Now you are reaching! She would never be interested in me," Zane replied as he looked down at the papers on his desk.

"You still didn't deny you had feelings for her, " Damien stated, causing Zane to look up at him.

"Nivea and I have been friends for years, and I don't want to ruin that. Plus, she's not interested in me like that," Zane confessed.

"I'm not sure if you are walking around with blinders on or what, but Nivea definitely has feelings for you too, and if you don't talk to her asap, someone else may come alone," Damien suggested causing Zane to heart rate to race.

The thought of Nivea with someone else didn't sit well with him.

"Maybe I have been too focused on work, but I’m not the only one," Zane replied, causing Damien to frown.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Damien asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

"Since you want me to talk to Nivea, you need to talk to Raven. I see the way you two act around each other," Zane replied, smiling.

"What are you talking about?" Damien asked, causing Zane to smirk.
