Page 236 of Falling For The Boss

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"Would these thoughts have anything to do with a certain CEO?" Robin asked, causing Raven to smile and Nivea to roll her eyes as she chugged the rest of her drink and signaled their waiter for a refill.

Laughing, "I guess that answers your question!" Raven joked, causing Nivea to throw her napkin at her. "You may as well tell us because you know we will get it out of you eventually, " she added.

Shaking her head, "If you must know, I made a fool out of myself at lunch today with Zane, and now I'm not sure I can face him again! He must think I'm crazy," Nivea ranted.

Frowning, "What happened?" Robin asked before taking a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea.

"It can't be that bad!" Raven added before taking a bite of her macaroni and cheese.

Sighing, "To make a long story short, we were having lunch, and somehow we started talking about our personal life and our dating lives, and Zane tells me he was interested in someone. Then the next thing I know, I'm rushing out the restaurant in tears, and Zane is left at the restaurant in shock and calling my name," Nivea confessed before chugging her drink.

"We all need refills," Robin stated as she signaled their waiter.

"Have you seen him since then?" Raven asked as she leaned back in her seat.

"When I was leaving the office, I rushed past him and said a quick goodbye," Nivea replied as the waiter refilled her glass.

"My question is, how do you know that Zane wasn't talking about you?" Robin asked before taking a sip of her drink.

Frowning, "There is no way he could've been talking about me. Look at how I dress, and all I do is work and go home. Plus, just before his confession, Faith was so gracious to grace us with her presence. So I'm sure that's whom he was thinking about," Nivea confessed as her heart ached at the thought of Zane and Faith together.

"What was she doing there?" Raven asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm not sure! She walked up to our table and acted like I wasn't even there," Nivea replied.

"She always acts like she is some big-time diva. If she focused more on her singing and pushing her music, her career would be going much better, instead of her always being in the tabloids," Robin stated.

"Everyone knows she has her sights on Zane, but he never gives her the time or day. So I think you and Zane need to talk," Raven suggested.

"I'll think about it, but right now, I need to get ready for my show tomorrow night," Nivea stated.

"I'm so excited for you! Are you singing any of your latest music?" Raven asked as she pushed her empty plate away.

"I'm singing three of my new songs! I just hope the crowd loves them," Nivea replied as she remembered how the crowd cheered for her in the previous weeks.

"You know they love you and your voice," Robin said as she also pushed her plate away.

"Robin has a point! You have been packing the house over at Randi's every week, and soon you will get that music contract you deserve," Raven added.

"Thank you both for saying that! I'm just going to keep putting my music out there and see what happens," Nivea replied as she thought about her latest music and how Zane inspired her.

"That's the right attitude to have! Plus, we will help any way we can," Robin stated as she smiled at Raven and winked.

Frowning, "What's going on with you two?" Nivea asked as she studied her two friends and their odd behavior.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Robin replied with a smirk and Raven just smiled.

Shaking her head as they started talking about her show, Nivea knew they were up to something, but she couldn't stop thinking about Zane and the way their lunch ended.

Chapter Six

"How is the search for the next big star going?" Zane asked as he sat back in his seat after they had dinner at Randi's.

"It's going pretty well! That's why we are here tonight. Raven in A&R told me we should check out this great singer that's performing here tonight," Damien replied before taking a sip of his drink.

"Speaking of Raven, have you talked yet?" Zane asked with a smirk.

"Did I miss something"? Will Roper, who was the third member of the trio of best friends and the Vice President of the legal department at the label. They all had been friends since diapers.
