Page 242 of Falling For The Boss

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Dena laughs so hard she sprays a small dusting of granola out of her mouth. “Yes, goofball.” She points to a door down the hall from hers. “Mr. Michael Prescott is Adam’s father.”

Oh snap. I don’t just work for the father of my girls. I work for his father as well.

I follow her to the other Mr. Prescott office. When she opens the door, I hold back a gasp. This office is freaking huge, with floor-to-ceiling windows lining the back wall. This office has its own kitchen area to one side, and a full sofa and loveseat on the other. It’s big enough to be a loft apartment.

“Mr. Prescott.”

Michael Prescott looks up when Dena speaks. “Hello, dear.” His eyes glance over her shoulder to lock with mine. “Who do we have here?”

Dena smiles and gestures to me. “This is Mr. Adam’s new assistant. I’m giving her a tour and thought I would introduce her.”

“Yes, of course.” He stands and comes around to shake my hand. This man is identical to Adam. The only differences being the salt and pepper hair and crow’s feet. “Welcome to the team, dear.”

After a few pleasantries, Dena escorts me back to my office. For which I am thankful, being in the same building as Adam has my nerves on high alert. I still can’t believe that after one year, I find myself working for him. Heck, Dena has been working at this law firm for four years. The man has literally been within reach this whole time.

The rest of my day is spent organizing and filing away old paperwork. I keep looking for Adam, but he doesn’t come back to the office. At the end of the day, I leave a note on his desk to let him know I have completed my tasks and will see him tomorrow.

Chapter Two


To say that I was less than pleased to have to hunt for a new assistant is an understatement. My last one had been with me since the day I started at this firm. She knew my routine and was always on top of things without my ever having to ask.

When my father’s assistant, Dena, came to me with a recommendation, I was hesitant. Sure, Dena is great at her job, but she was referring her best friend and roommate. How competent would this new chick be? Did she even have any experience in this field?

Imagine my surprise when Karri waltzes into my office. She is just as beautiful as I remember. That auburn hair is up in a bun, but I would much rather see it down with its natural curls on display.

Once I shake off the shock of seeing her again, I ask, “Uh, what can I do for you?” Great, I sound like a moron, rather than a high-profile lawyer.

My father’s assistant steps further into the room. “I wanted to introduce you to your new assistant.” She’s my new assistant? Dena motions to her friend. “This is Karri Jameson. Karri, this is your boss, Mr. Prescott.”

Standing, I smile and cross the room to shake her hand. The instant her hand touches mine, I feel it. Chemistry. We had it that night, and we still do. Like a fool, I say, “Nice to meet you, Miss Jameson.” What I should have done, instead of acting as though we were meeting for the first time, is acknowledge the fact that I remember her.

No, it’s better this way. Getting mixed up in an office romance is a bad idea. Nothing good could come from it.

Her face falls the minute those words leave my mouth. Disappointment crosses her features, but she is quick to tuck away her emotions. “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Prescott. I’m very excited to be here.”

She probably thinks that I forgot about her as soon as we parted ways. Nothing could be further from the truth. Truth is, I’ve thought about her every day since then. Releasing her hand, I return to my seat. “Good, I will let Dena show you around. I have a meeting in half an hour, so you most likely will not see me the rest of the day. I’ll leave some files on your desk, just take care of them before you leave today.”

“Yes, sir.” I watch as she leaves my office, her hips swaying with each step she takes.

It absolutely kills me that she believes I don’t recognize her, but what else can I do? She can’t be my assistant and my romantic partner, no matter how much I want her to be. I lied when I said I had a meeting and wouldn’t be in the office all day. The minute I saw her, I knew I needed the day to get my head on straight.

Gathering my things, I crack the door open and make sure she is nowhere in sight, then I head to the elevator and press the sixth-floor button. What I need is some sound advice from my lifelong friend. If anyone can talk me off the ledge, it’s him.

Marcus is sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Rough morning?” I ask as I close the door behind me.

“Yeah.” Dropping his hand, he sits forward. “I swear, some clients have me questioning why I ever became a lawyer.”

“I hear that.” For every good client we have, there are usually two difficult ones. “Want to get out of here for a bit?” In truth, neither of us should be leaving work, the day has only just begun, but I can’t be here right now to make a foolish decision. Like marching into Karri’s office and kissing her senseless.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.” Marcus checks in with his assistant on the way out, asking her to reschedule the couple of meetings he has.

We head to the country club for a day of golf. Neither of us are good, heck, we don’t even know all the terminology, but we love to come out here to relieve the tension from our stressful jobs.

“So, you want to tell me why we’re out here playing a game of golf?”

I steady my stance and then swing. The ball flies over the hole by an embarrassing length. It’s a good thing I went into law and not sports. “Remember that chick from the bar last year?”
