Page 244 of Falling For The Boss

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“Karri.” The way he says my name stirs the butterflies in my belly. It’s a caress over my skin. “Why did you come to see me? Is there a change I need to know about?”

Get it together, Karri.

Clearing my throat and taking two steps back from the man who has haunted my dreams for a year, I hand him the papers in my hand. “These were sent over this morning concerning Mr. Ash Kramer.”

“Thank you.” The softness I saw in his eyes a moment ago is long gone, and in its place is this hard businessman mask that Adam wears well. As he takes his place behind the large mahogany desk, he begins reading the papers, not paying a bit of attention to me.

I guess I’m dismissed. No, that will be all, or anything of the sort. He just ignores me like I’m not standing in the middle of his office. Like he didn’t just caress my skin moments earlier.

Nice to know that I mean so little to him. That he was able to just move on so easily. Was that night not special to him? Was I so terrible that he completely blocked my face from his mind? For a minute, when he was touching my jaw, I could have sworn he felt our connection, that he remembered me.

Guess I was wrong.

This pain in my chest is all-consuming. It hurts worse than if he had slapped me. I suppose if I hadn’t given birth to his children, it wouldn’t be so bothersome. At least, I don’t suspect that it would sting this much.

Who am I kidding? Of course, it would. I connected with this guy on a level I never expected. A total stranger connected with me more than my long-term boyfriend ever did. Go figure.

Fighting back tears, I quietly step out of his office and back into mine. My heart hurts so badly it feels as if it is fracturing. Adam, the stranger I met at a club, the guy that was only supposed to ease the pain, is a man I want more than oxygen. A man that I am now tethered to for life, whether he wants the connection or not.

As I dab away the tears, I lean against the door and slide down to the floor. I don’t know if I can work with Adam, knowing he doesn’t remember our time together. This is pure torture. Because I missed breakfast, and it’s now well after two in the afternoon, my stomach growls. Wiping my face, I stand and leave my office to grab a cup of coffee and a couple of granola bars from the lounge.

Adam is still in his office when I trek back to mine. Good. The last thing I want is for him to see the tears staining my face. My mouth is full of granola when my door is thrust open. I spin around, eyes wide and mouth full. This isn’t how I want anyone to see me, let alone this man.

“Mr. Prescott,” I say around the food in my mouth as I toss the second granola bar on the desk. “What can I do for you?”

In three strides, Adam is standing in front of me. I’m not sure what I see in his eyes, but it takes me by surprise when he removes the cup of coffee from my hand and sets it next to the granola bar.

Cupping my face in his large hands, he leans in and kisses me. This is everything I have hoped for since the day we parted ways. Especially, after seeing those two pink lines on the pregnancy test. I always prayed he would walk through the door, cup my face and kiss me senseless.

After taking my breath away, he pulls back, and gazes into my eyes. “Tell me you’ve thought about me.”

He remembers me. He really does remember me.

My heart soars knowing that I left an imprint on his heart like he did mine. “I have.”

Chapter Four


Since I am all twisted up inside now that Karri is my new assistant, I decide that a couple hours in the gym is necessary to relieve some of this pent-up tension in my body. I have managed to avoid her all week, which has done nothing to remove her from my mind. In fact, it has made me think of her more.

Unfortunately, I cannot avoid her today. Today, I have an appointment with Ash Kramer, lead singer for Tainted Souls. He is divorcing his wife of three years. I don’t expect this case to be too complicated since there is solid proof that Tiana was cheating on him with multiple guys. This is one case that I predict will be quick and easy.

When I glance up at the clock, I see that I have been here half an hour longer than I had planned. I cannot afford to waste another second.

Wiping the sweat from my face with a towel, I step off the treadmill. My workout started on the weights and ended with a good run. Now, I’m drenched and due back at the office to prepare for my meeting with the rock star.

After a quick shower, I’m dressed in a pair of jeans and a polo. Thank God, I keep them in my locker. I smack myself on the forehead for not packing my business suit. Lucky for me, I have one hanging in the closet at my office.

Six minutes later, I’m pulling into the parking garage. Ash should be arriving in roughly forty-five minutes and I need to get all my notes together. The administrative assistant on the first floor greets me with a flirty smile. For the last four years, she has done everything in her power to get me to notice her. Including bringing baked goods to my office. I have not given her any hint of interest, yet she refuses to back down. So, instead of giving her a friendly wave, I walk right past her and enter the elevator without a single glance.

In my hurry to get dressed in proper clothes for a lawyer, I swing the door shut behind me, not bothering with the lock. If anyone needs to speak with me, they’ll knock. Kicking my shoes off, I’m quick to replace my jeans with slacks, but just as I remove my polo, a knock sounds on the door.

Just as I’m about to say, one moment, the door swings open and Karri’s eyes widen in shock. Her cheeks tint a dark shade of pink. As if she’s embarrassed, she quickly squeezes them shut and closes the door.

A smile crosses my face. Glad to know that I still affect her just as much as she does me. Hurrying to the closet, I pull my dress shirt on in record time and go to the door. The chances of her still standing on the other side is slim, but one can hope.

When I open the wooden door, she is frozen to the spot with her eyes still cinched shut. She is so beautiful, even more so than the night we first met. Gripping her wrist, I tug her into my office. The desire to kiss her is strong.

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