Page 246 of Falling For The Boss

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Adam shows up at exactly seven on the dot. Since I don’t want him to find out about the girls by stumbling upon them in my home, I sit where I can keep an eye on the street. The minute his Mercedes comes to a stop at the curb, I hop up, grab my clutch, and dash out the door.

I meet him at the end of the driveway. He smiles. “You look beautiful.” His compliment stirs the butterflies in my stomach, and I blush.

“Thank you.” I take his hand and allow him to pull me into his arms. His fingers caress my back as he gazes into my eyes.

“You have no idea how many times this past year that I’ve thought about this moment.” One of his hands moves from my back. With the tip of his finger, he traces a line from my eyebrow, along my jaw, and pinches my chin. “From the moment I saw you, I wanted you.” Pressing his lips to mine, he dominates my mouth. “I’ve never stopped wanting you.”

His words have me melting against him. Since today is Friday, and I’m hoping the night doesn’t end with dinner, I arranged for my mother to stay over and help Dena with the girls. It took a lot for me to ask this of my mother. I have never left my girls, other than for work, and let me just say that this week has been the longest of my life. Being away from them is hard, but they need me to bring home a paycheck every week.

Releasing me from his hold, he helps me into the car. We drive thirty minutes out of the city and the entire time he talks to me about the Kramer case. The fact that he listens when I offer him a piece of advice thrills me to no end. Before today, he would have just waved me off and reminded me that he was the hotshot lawyer, not me.

When we arrive at a tall building with flashing lights, I sit up a little straighter and stare at the huge line. “Is this where we’re eating?”

A smile curves his lips. “It is.”

The line of people wraps around the building. “Are you sure we’ll be able to get in?” I find it hard to believe that we will make it halfway through that line before midnight.

“Trust me, we’re getting in.” The confidence in his tone settles the nervous energy flowing through my veins. Pulling up to valet, he exchanges a few words with the attendant, then comes around to open my door. “Come on, beautiful.”

Taking his offered hand, I follow him through the crowd. A crowd that is cursing us as we walk right past them. Feeling like we are doing something wrong, I tug on his hand. “Maybe we should get in line.” I jerk my thumb behind us. “At the end, like normal people.”

“That’s not necessary.” Wrapping his arm around my waist, he urges me forward. It’s hard to ignore all the angry customers we pass by when they shout at us to head to the end of the line.

When we reach the entrance, an older gentleman greets Adam with a kind smile. “Mr. Prescott.” He pats Adam on the back. “Your regular table is ready for you.”

“Thank you, Richard.” Adam leads me through the restaurant, to a private room on the nineteenth floor.

I’m totally blown away by this place. On my salary I would never be able to afford this place, I’m sure. That thought is confirmed when we sit at the table and Adam automatically orders a six-hundred-dollar bottle of wine. I have no doubt that I have a deer in the headlights look in my eyes. After glimpsing the price on the wine list, I’m afraid to order dinner. Especially, when I consider a ten-dollar bottle of wine to be expensive.

As the waiter pours wine into our glasses, I get nervous flutters low in my belly. “Relax.” Adam reaches across the table, taking my hands in his. “I can see you’re not used to this type of treatment.” Kissing each of my knuckles, he puts the glass in my hand. “Take a deep breath and just enjoy yourself.”

“Easy for you to say, did you happen to notice the price tag on that bottle?” I nod to the bottle currently sitting in a bucket of ice.

“I’m well aware.” He sips from his own glass. “You’re worth every penny.”

I’m worth every penny? I’ve never heard that before. It’s nice to be put first for a change. Yes, my mom and Dena have done everything in their power to put me and the girls first this past year, but it’s nice to have a guy take care of me.

We talk about our childhood. About our experiences in college. Conversation flows effortlessly.

After paying the bill, Adam leads me back to the car. “I’m not quite ready for the night to end.”

“Neither am I.”

He glances at his watch. “It’s late, but we can take a stroll in the park.”

Yes. Yes, I would love to take a stroll, anything to be with you a little longer. Since that would make me sound too desperate, I say, “Sure, that sounds great.”

“Perfect.” He takes my hand and leads me across the street.

During our leisurely stroll, I contemplate telling him about the twins. They are his, and he deserves to know. The sooner, the better. But as I open my mouth to tell him, I find the words too difficult to say. This night is going so well, I’d hate to ruin it by revealing the secret I’ve kept from him all week. Putting it off one more night won’t hurt.

Is it so wrong that I want one perfect night with this man?

* * *

The next morning, I meet Adam downtown for breakfast. Eggs Benedict with a side of cantaloupe and kiwi for me, and a tall stack of chocolate chip pancakes and a meat lover's omelet for him. We eat while talking about current affairs and his upcoming case.
