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Stu clears his throat, reminding me he’s still in the room. “We are all in this together. I’ll do what I can on my part to make this as entertaining and authentic as possible with a minimum number of hiccups. Trust me, you will be way more real than the last few couples.”

“Pfft. You aren’t the one who has to go on a date with their boss. How whacked is that?”

Phoebe pats my shoulder. With sarcasm dripping from her words, she says, “At least your boss is a hottie, not like…” She motions with her head toward Stu.

Heat rushes up my neck as I nibble on a fingernail.

Pryce chuckles while his thumbs fly across his phone screen.

He is clueless that I would love to go on a date with him. A real date. One that he asked me out on because he wanted to spend time with me. Talk about an awkward working relationship from now on. What if I have to find another job when this is over?

I stand and pace the room. After I have had a moment to review the situation, I let out a breath. “So, what do I have to do? I’ve seen the women on this show, and they’re all silly and sexy. Have you looked at me? I am definitely neither of those things.”

While Pryce focuses on his phone, he says, “Not true.”

I snap my head in his direction. My eyebrows raise as my heart thumps so hard in my chest, I fear it will explode.

He glances up from his phone to catch my expression. “Uhh…”

Phoebe smiles then bites her lip to hide the expression. “I will help you with questions and what to say. It will be fun. And trust me, most of those women didn’t start out that way, but they get in front of the camera and start hamming it up. You will too.”

“Oh no, I won’t. I can’t do this.” I rub my throbbing temples. This conversation is giving me a monster headache.

As I turn to leave the conference room, a warm hand lands on my shoulder. In a soft tone, Pryce says, “Stu, Phoebe, can I speak with Kenna alone?”

“Sure,” they say. I move out of the way in order for them to exit, leaving me alone with my boss, with whom I have to go on a fake date and possibly fake kiss. Holy guacamole. I can’t pretend something like that. I’ll get all giggly at his attention and forget it’s for the cameras and make a complete fool of myself. Pryce will never want to work with me again.

Pryce leads me back to the table and eases me into a chair. He sits in front of me. “I don’t like this any more than you do, and it’s not because it’s you.” Sincerity in his eyes calms my nerves. “It’s deceptive, but if I am ever going to move ahead in this business, I have to do this.” After a long pause, he says in a voice barely above a whisper, “Please.”

I blow out a breath and say, “Okay, but we need some ground rules.”

"Yes. Definitely.” He grins. “What are the rules?”

“For one, don’t fall in love with me.” I slap my hand over my mouth and wish I could crawl under the desk, especially when he replies with a deep, rumbling chuckle.

“Okay, Small Frye. I promise there is no chance I will fall in love with you.” He winks, and my insides melt.

Deep down, I knew the odds were not in my favor, but his comment killed my number one fantasy. Nailed the coffin shut. “Famous last words.” I punctuate it with my own flirty wink.

He claps his hands and abruptly stands. “Okay, you get with Phoebe about the questions. And one last thing.”

As I gather the tablet, I reply, “What’s that?”

“You can’t tell Will.”

“I have never kept anything from my brother. He reads me like yesterday’s Twitter feed.”

“He’ll find out soon enough. I need time to practice dodging his punches. He’s quite protective of you, Small Frye.”

I roll my eyes as I leave the conference room. “You cannot call me that horrible nickname on the date. Got it?”

Pryce walks behind me while he whistles the theme song to Music City Match. If we get caught going against the FCC rules, we will lose our jobs. And Pryce will never see me as anything more than his assistant. All I have to do is keep myself from passing out on stage and tamp down my feelings for him all while pretending I do have feelings. No biggie.

Ugh. This is going to be a train wreck.

Chapter Four

