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“If that’s all you have to say, I’ll leave you to get dressed. See you in the control room.”

Gah. I can’t believe I said that. At least he had the decency not to laugh at me, but his raised eyebrows let me know my gaff was received loud and clear. I scurry down the hall toward the control room. Phoebe leans against the wall, panting and holding her belly. “Are you all right?”

Through puffs of air, she says, “I’m fine. You’d think my fourth pregnancy would be easier, but it’s not. These Braxton Hicks contractions are worse this time.”

“Are you going into labor?” I glance around for help.

“It’s just a practice round. Nothing to be concerned with, but I’m as big as a house this time. I already can’t see my feet. Can you tell me if my shoes are tied?”

“Yes, and they match each other too.”


While I help her to the green room, she says, “I hope Pryce knows how lucky he is to have you.”

“I think so. He has taught me everything I know about this job.”

I assist her into a chair, and while we wait on the contestants to finish with hair and makeup, she says, “I’m not talking about the job.”

The butterflies take flight again, and if my face is as red as it feels, I’m sure I look like I have a massive sunburn. “Oh, the date was all for show. You know that.”

She quirks an eyebrow. “I may have pregnancy brain, but it all makes sense now. The glances. The volunteering for extra work. Yep. You. Like. Him.”

Her words cause me to jerk my head around to make sure no one is listening. “I’m his assistant.”

“Pfft. I know what I saw. You like him. He likes you. What are you going to do about it?”

In a stage whisper, I reply, “I can’t do anything about it.”

She grins. “I knew it. Boy, I am good.”

I tilt my head to the side and ask, “What do you mean?”

Phoebe shrugs as she runs her hands over her belly. “When Jacobs said Pryce volunteered to be on the show, I suggested you be the bachelorette.”

“What?” I screech out. “I might get fired if this doesn’t go well.”

She waves me off as another round of practice contractions hit her. Through gritted teeth, she says, “I’ve worked with Pryce for a lot of years, and I can read him better than my own husband. That kiss flipped a switch in his head for the better.”

“That’s impossible.”

She gives me a deadpan glare like she can’t believe my denial.

I plop down next to her and blow out an exasperated breath. After a moment of silence, except for her rapid breaths, I confess what I didn’t have the nerve to even think before. “Okay. I like him a lot. Ever since he was my brother’s roommate, I’ve been… smitten. But he doesn’t feel the same, and I can’t risk my job any more than I already have to admit this silly crush in front of him. It wouldn’t end well.”

Chatter from down the hallway grows louder. Phoebe peers around the corner. “You better leave before any of the contestants recognize you.”

I slip out of the green room and into the control room. Pryce spots me and gives me a weak smile. I stand in the corner next to Frankie and take my usual notes on the day’s taping and pretend it’s like any normal day, but it’s anything but normal.

Once the match has been filmed and the female contestant picks her bachelor, the second part of the show begins, the part where my date with Pryce is aired. From my corner of the room, I dare not watch the live audience but hear oohs and aahs at certain places. A collective sigh goes through the room during the kiss.

Yeah, me too.

I sneak a peek at Pryce, who stares at his feet, jaw clenched. He couldn’t be any more uncomfortable. His expression tells me all I need to know about how he feels. As expected, Pryce has zero feelings for me except professionally. The game show was fun, and the date was amazing, but it was only for ratings. I fight back tears as I escape out of the control room and into the restroom before anyone sees my emotions on parade.

Chapter Eight

