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While I instruct Frankie on what I need him to do for me, he stabs at the tablet with enough force to break the glass.

“Anything else?” He cocks his head to the side, waiting for my answer. His nonstop foot tapping is driving me crazy.

I collapse onto the couch in my office and rub my temples. “I never thought she would get fired.”

“Let go,” he says, using air quotes. “Please use the correct terminology.” For added effect, he rolls his eyes. “Kenna does not deserve this. She is the sweetest, most genuine person I have ever worked with.”

“You think I don’t know that? I always thought there was something special about her, but after yesterday, I can’t stop thinking about her.” I snap my mouth shut for fear I’ve said too much already.

His mouth forms a big O as he places the tablet on my desk. “You like her. I mean really, really like her. Don’t you?”

Without having to think about it, I say, “Yep.” It feels freeing to speak that out into the universe.

After a long pause, Frankie says in a soft tone, “And the kiss?”

I chuckle. “Oh boy. That was very real. I forgot the camera was there.”

He rubs his hands together like he’s plotting something devious. “Ooh, you have got to fix this.”


His eyes sparkle, and he says, “Leave that to me.”

“I don’t like the sound of this.”

Frankie gets an evil twinkle in his eyes. “I’ve heard a few things over the years. It helps to be Jacobs’s grandson, and besides, I hate this job. I have nothing to lose. Come with me.”

He struts out of my office. When I don’t move from my sofa, he peeks his head back inside and adds, “Well, come on.”

I follow him down the hall toward Jacobs’s office and feel like this will be my last day on the job. I have no idea what Frankie is going to say. It could blow up in all our faces.

When he waltzes past Jacobs’s secretary and flings open the door, Jacobs glances up from his desk. “Not now. I’m busy.”

Frankie proceeds to plunk down in one of the seats in front of his grandfather’s desk and motions for me to take the other one. “Here’s the deal, Gramps. You are going to fix this little issue you created between Kenna and Pryce.”

Jacobs cackles and leans back in his chair, lacing his fingers behind his head. “Who’s the boss here?”

Frankie glances over to me. “We all know who wears the pants in our family, and it’s not him. He caters to my grandmother’s every request.” He gets up to walk around the room with his fingers steepled under his chin. “Do you know who used to be Grandpappy’s personal assistant?”

I turn my attention back to Jacobs, whose complexion is ghostly white.

“Dear, sweet Grams was his assistant. She was the host’s model during the filming of Nash Trash back in the day. If you watch a few of the early episodes, you can see Grams is clearly hiding a baby bump.” He stage-whispers, “They weren’t married yet.” He fakes a gasp. “Oops.”

My eyebrows raise. I stand to hover over Jacobs’s desk. “You are going to give Kenna her job back. In fact, she’s too good for her old job.”

Frankie nods and motions for me to go on.

“You will let her work with Phoebe with the contestants while Phoebe’s on maternity leave. If anyone gets curious, we’ll say the audience loved her so much, we hired her.”

Frankie raises his hand like he’s in school. “Ooh, Phoebe just turned in her notice. She says she can’t work anymore. She wants to spend more time with her family. And, I don’t mean that in a ‘I’m in trouble and need to make an excuse spend time with my family’ way.”

I cross my arms over my chest and stare a hole into Jacobs. “So, what do you say? What’s good for the goose…”

Jacobs chuckles. “My situation was different. I was in love with—” He stops midsentence to gape at me. “Are you…”

“I think so.” Without hesitation, I come clean to Jacobs, Frankie, and especially myself. “I at least want to have the chance to find out.”

Frankie punches his fist in the air. “Yes! My work here is done. See ya, Gramps.”
