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Honestly, Honor has tested our resolve on both fronts every day since we took over as her protection detail. When a threat on her life nearly took her life, her father wanted the best. That’s where we came in. Our credentials speak for themselves.

She reaches out for us, and I take one hand while Landry wraps his big hand around her other.

Austin is already kissing his way up her shoulder and making a feast of all that skin under his tongue.

“Honor,” I chock out her name, not really trying to hide the effect she’s having on me. If anyone were to see us like this with a senator’s daughter our reputations would sink faster than a ton of rocks. We’d lose everything, including her.

I brush aside a heavy swath of blonde hair that has slipped to cover a straining nipple.

Her eyes are bright with a kind of wild hunger I know the innocent little thing doesn’t understand. Despite everything, my balls tingle all the same, because my dick doesn’t care she’s a virgin. That fact only makes me harder.

The part of me that sees her as off-limits is screaming for me to turn on my heel and drag my friends out with me. But I’m a realistic man and know that boat has sailed.

But the part of me that wants to claim her sweet innocence keeps me from budging. If I’m honest, I’m a fucking starved man possessed. I have been for years. Her scent, voice, feather-light touches do all kinds of things to me. To all of us and that’s the problem. You can’t protect the client if you’re screwing her, and Honor’s safety is our top priority.

I snarl a curse and cup my hand over hers as she presses it flat against my chest. Admittedly, this goes against everything but right now I don’t give a damn.

She laces her fingers through mine, using me to balance herself as she raises to the tips of her toes and presses her lips over mine, her eyes full of uncertainty.

I don’t care about anything anymore, except her. The feel of her soft lips, the warmth of her tongue stroking over mine with curiosity. My whole life just boiled down to this. With her.

Austin falls to his knees behind her, and I know what he’s about to do. The man has craved a taste of those heady juices between her thighs as much as I have, only he isn’t as patient.

Landry and I watch her face morph from shock, to surprise to pure bliss.

Her hand is incredibly soft in mine, and she smells so damn good I can’t get enough of the faint hint of roses in my lungs.

A low growl works its way out, pulling a need to care for Honor in ways none of us have any business doing. She makes my blood roar with a raw power no other woman has ever made me feel before. We’ve shared other women discreetly, but none since we walked through Steeles’ door and took on our charge.

We’ve watched over her, protected her and made sure no one could harm her.

But now, who is protecting her from us?

She whimpers a tiny, sweet sound that pulls me from my deep thoughts, and I look on as her eyes drift closed. So pure and innocent.


Like a laser beam, it’s the only word in my thoughts.

She’s a goddess, and we’re about to sully her and ruin her for any man after us.

She’s panting hard and has her face resting on my chest, and I wrap an arm around her protectively with a deep, possessive growl.

The guttural sound has her pulling away, her eyes flying open to meet mine.

Austin rocks back on his knees, wiping his mouth, but his hands are curled around her naked hips. “You sure about this, Honor?” he asks from behind her between kisses across that plump ass of hers.

She doesn’t answer, only shakes and quivers in my arms.

I pick up where he leaves off. “Three men all want to fuck you in ways you’ve never imagined. We’ll take your mouth, your tender pussy and untouched ass.” I stroke a thumb over her nipple. “Together.”

She stares up at me, her lush mouth open, but with no answer.

Landry chuckles. “Oh, baby, that sweet ass will be fucked hard, make no mistake about that. We’re a handful and have demands you might not want to give.”

Please, God, don’t let her have second thoughts.

Her expression hardens, and she pegs all of us with a haughty look that says volumes, but she finds it necessary to deliver the words anyway.
